Pokemon Sword & Shield player goes to insane lengths to impress girl

A Pokemon fan went viral online after spending hours Shiny hunting in Sword & Shield to impress a girl. The dedicated player’s actions will win the community’s hearts as well.
[jwplayer LcDoKCFZ]
The Pokemon franchise introduced players to the Galar region for its eighth generation release, Sword & Shield. The 2019 RPG was largely influenced by popular locations in the UK.
One fan used the game’s Shiny hunting methods to secretly impress their fiancee. The dedicated Trainer caught specific monsters in their incredibly rare alternate colors to surprise his partner – and impressed the internet by doing so.

Pokemon player uses Shiny Pokemon to surprise a girl
The player went viral on the r/Pokemonswordandshield subreddit on November 18 when they shared what their fiancee had done for them in the Gen 8 Pokemon title.
According to the post, the user’s partner spent hours hunting down a Shiny Alolan Meowth and a Yamper to match their real life pets that they own together. The fan also included a picture which showed a side-by-side shot of the ‘mons next to their beloved animals.
“Fiancé borrowed my switch and just handed it back… he shiny hunted me a kitty & doggo to match our actual kitty & doggo- both lvl 100 holding everstones and boys just like our actual boys,” the post read.
In a comment deeper down, the fiance revealed how they were able to pull off the incredible feat. “The Yamper took 228 encounters on Route 2 and the Meowth took about 300 eggs with Masada method. After getting both, I gave them both an everstone and then cranked up their levels to 100 with some of the hundreds of XL candies.”
While there are many gifts you can give a Pokemon lover, any real fan knows the way to a Trainer’s heart is to actually catch their favorite monsters in the game itself.
Despite only having released at the end of 2019, Sword & Shield is already the third-highest grossing titles in the entire franchise – proof that the series has never been more popular.