Mind-blowing Overwatch Mei McCree combo can break enemy defenses on Hollywood

Michael Gwilliam
Mei and McCree on Hollywood

Overwatch players having trouble attacking Point B of Hollywood thanks to strong defender positions should make note of a ridiculous combo with McCree and Mei that can catch enemies off guard.

Hollywood’s streets phase is dominated by high ground positions that can be key to maintaining a strong defensive setup. Breaking these fortifications and pushing the payload to the objective can prove to be quite a difficult task, but it’s hardly impossible.

Getting the first kill to open a team fight can be instrumental in steamrolling the rest of a point and a crazy trick with McCree and Mei can help players do just that.

Twitch streamer Kephrii and TSM Gale were having quite the hard time pushing into the second point as the enemy squad took over the high ground advantage.

McCree does damage
McCree and Mei make a lethal combo.

With the payload still close to the checkpoint, one opening frag would be enough to open things up and the duo needed another of their genius strategies to earn themselves the man advantage.

After leaving their spawn, Kephrii went up to the elevator by the first point and reached the top.He then coordinated with Gale to time an Ice Wall just as he rolled ahead.

Basically, the trick is that Kephrii purposefully rolls off the elevator, but instead of falling off, the Ice Wall gives him just enough height to peek over the roof.

As a result, he was able to overlook the map from a far distance and activated his ultimate Deadeye to catch anyone in his line of sight off guard.

Clearly the enemy Ashe never saw it coming because she was taken out by the ultimate, giving Kephrii’s team a 6v5 advantage going into the next fight.

It all worked out wonderfully too, as they were able to make use of the opening frag and their ultimate economy edge to capture the second point soon thereafter.

Next time you’re queuing up with a Mei or McCree player, try to give this trick a shot. You may be able to score a cheeky kill and win the game off the back of it.