Survey reveals tight race between PS5 and Xbox for next-gen console war

Tanner Pierce

You might expect PS5 to be the clear winner next-gen, given how the PS4 performed during the current generation. But, a new survey suggests that assumption is wrong, and that Sony’s and Microsoft’s console battle might be closer than you might think.

According to a new survey by Baird Equity Research, the PS5 and the Xbox family of next-gen consoles, which includes both the Series X and the less-powerful Series S, are in a deadlock tie this fall, which doesn’t line up with previous expectations.

The survey asked players what their plans were for next-gen. While 41% of players said they were waiting until next year to pick up the new consoles, 18% said they would be picking up the PS5, 13% said they would be picking up the Xbox Series X, while only 5% said they would be picking up the Series S.

PS5 prices
While most people might think that the PS5 would be the clear winner next-gen, this may not end up being the case.

Looking at those numbers, as originally reported by, PS5 would be the winner if you compared to it each individual console in the family.

However, combining both the Series X and Series S numbers (especially considering they can both run the same games) reveals that, overall, the same percentage of gamers said that they were getting Sony’s and Microsoft’s console.

While this certainly isn’t the best-case scenario for Microsoft, (beating Sony would definitely be preferable) it’s certainly good news for them, as it means that whatever the company is doing is working.

While no one knows exactly why the Xbox family of consoles is tied with PS5, it may be due to the Series S.

Could this be attributed to the fact that the company is making an affordable version of the console in the form of the Series S? It’s certainly possible but at this point, it’s impossible to know.

It’s also worth pointing out that these are based on surveys. How people actually choose to spend their money could shake up completely different when the consoles actually launch and especially when they become more available. Still, it’s an interesting point, nonetheless.

The Xbox Series X/Series S is set to launch on November 10, 2020, while the PS5 hits store shelves on November 12, 2020.