PlayStation Stars scheme: Release date, how it works & rewards

Andrew Highton
sony playstation stars logo

Sony’s PlayStation Stars loyalty program aims to reward players with exclusive points that can be used to redeem on special collectible items and store purchases, so here’s how it works.

For most PlayStation users, playing games provides enough joy and entertainment, but Sony aims to go one step beyond and actually celebrate the hours put in by loyal consumers of the blue brand.

It was back in July 2022 that Sony unveiled the exciting PlayStation Stars program to much acclaim, and now we know a ton of further details about it and how it will pan out.

Thankfully, none of the digital collectibles will be NFTs, so what exactly will the rewards consist of? Here’s everything we know about the PlayStation Stars loyalty scheme.


PlayStation Stars release date

The release date for each region featuring the PlayStation Stars program is different, and we can confirm that PlayStation Stars is already live in Asia, and it will be coming to America on October 5, 2022, with Europe, Australia, and New Zealand receiving the service from October 13, 2022.

PlayStation Stars how it works

First of all, Sony has made it clear that you will not need a PlayStation Plus subscription to take part in the PlayStation Stars scheme and it will be open to any PS user with an adult account.

To take part, Sony will be offering a variety of promotions and challenges, this includes “campaigns and activities” for users to complete, a “Monthly Check-In” that simply asks you to boot up a game of your choosing each month (acting as a login bonus), attaining specific PlayStation Trophies, and various other special tasks.

PlayStation Stars how to check progress

To access PlayStation Stars to check it out, analyze your progress, and see what other events might be happening, you simply need to access it through the PlayStation App, or head to the official PlayStation website.

PlayStation Stars points & rewards

With all this in mind, we should move on to the juiciest details and that’s the fact that you can earn loyalty points and digital collectibles for your hard work.

Points can be redeemed for PSN wallet funds, exclusive collectibles, and PS Store products. Not only that, but if you do happen to have an active PS Plus membership, then your purchases will also earn you points too.

To use points, you’ll need to complete the following instructions:

  1. Download or access the PlayStation App.
  2. Access your ‘Player Profile’.
  3. Click on ‘PlayStation Stars’.
  4. Then, finally, go onto the ‘Rewards Catalog’.
  5. Pick out the rewards that suit your needs and claim them!

Sony has also made it clear that they will continually reward your efforts to the extent that you can increase your status level, with a higher level granting “more perks and benefits.”