Summit1g trolls Nadeshot after finding his double in GTA RP

Connor Bennett
Summit1g and Nadeshot smiling

Twitch star Jaryd ‘Summit1g’ Lazar couldn’t contain himself after running into a double of Matthew ‘Nadeshot’ Haag in GTA RP, with the character even mocking 100 Thieves as ‘100 Nerds’.

In GTA RP, streamers and content creators typically create character who are completely different from themselves, as it adds more fun to things.

Some go that one step further and make a parody of somebody they know, even themselves, or a popular figure from elsewhere.

Well, in NoPixel, someone made a character that looks exactly like 100 Thieves’ Nadeshot and after running into him, Summit1g couldn’t help but laugh at what he was seeing.

The hilarious encounter came on June 3 as Summit was playing on his John Charleston character and other streamers were running through a few typical ‘Summit big head’ jokes at his expense.

Many of Summit’s fans immediately pointed out that the random character looked like exactly like Nadeshot, which prompted Summit to start laughing uncontrollably.

He even got the character to put his hat on and cover up a ridiculous hairstyle, which only further cemented his lookalike status. “He does kind of look like him, right,” Summit said. “Oh s**t, holy s**t! Hold on,” he added, before wheezing with laughter.

Different cop characters started surrounding the lookalike, poking fun at themselves for being well known for playing video games, but directing it at Nade.

“It’s because I may or may not own a gaming organization called 100 Nerds,” the lookalike said, prompting further jokes from Summit and MOONMOON as they continued to play up to the fun of the random encounter.

The real-life Nade might not take the step into joining the popular GTA RP server, but his lookalike will live on, virtually, of course.

Aside from the former CoD pro, we’ve also seen Dr Disrespect be hilariously cosplayed in NoPixel, as to who might be next, is anyone’s guess.