MrBeast reveals huge YouTube pledge for 2021 to give more money away

MrBeast announced he would donate 10 cents to charity and people in need for every new subscriber he gets on his YouTube channel in 2021 and started it off by giving away $300,000 in his latest video.
Jimmy ‘MrBeast’ Donaldson is all about giving money to people and changing their lives. He’s already done everything from buying out five retail stores and giving all the goods away, to buying a fan a new house.
If you thought he’d be slowing down in 2021, you’d be wrong. MrBeast has announced he would donate ten cents to charity for every new subscriber he gets in 2021 to people who genuinely need it.

“For the entire year of 2021, every time someone subscribes to this channel, I’m donating 10 cents to charity.
“Last month, 3 million people subscribed to the channel, which means I’m going to give away this $300,000 mountain of money to people in need.”
For the rest of the video, he donated $30,000 to a struggling small business owner, $300,000 to cover everyone’s rent in two apartment complexes, $10,000 to a teacher in charge of a high-school class, and even provided a PS5 and Macbook to every student in her class.
- Read More: How does MrBeast make money?
He also visited a college campus and paid for two students’ $15,000 college debts, tipped a delivery drive $10,000, bought 25 carts worth of products at Dick’s Sporting Goods and donated them to The Salvation Army, and tipped a fast-food worker $10,000.

All of this is possible because of his new philanthropic goal in 2021.
“By literally hitting that subscribe button, you are taking 10 cents out of my pocket and giving it to people like we had in the video.”
“If you’re already subscribed, don’t unsubscribe and resubscribe. That will do nothing. It will only work if you’re a new subscriber. I dare you guys to try to bankrupt me by subscribing.”
MrBeast’s philanthropy is already out of this world. However, he keeps finding ways to take it to new levels, and his latest announcement is a testament to that.
So, if you want to help others but don’t have a lot of money to spend, why not subscribe to his channel and let him use his instead? That way, everybody wins.