MoistCr1TiKaL slams Floyd Mayweather’s boxing performance: “At least Logan Paul tried”

YouTuber Charlie ‘MoistCr1TiKaL’ White hit out at Floyd Mayweather in his fight against Logan Paul. The content creator claimed the championship fighter left the audience bored.
On June 6, the Hard Rock Stadium in Florida was filled to watch Logan Paul vs Floyd Mayweather duke it out in an exhibition boxing match. One of those in attendance at the event was YouTuber MoistCr1TiKaL. According to the popular content creator, while the audience started out rooting for Mayweather, they eventually were cheering for Logan Paul after the professional boxer gave a ‘boring’ performance.

MoistCr1TiKaL calls out Floyd Mayweather’s boxing performance against Logan Paul
During his June 7 upload, Critikal gave viewers a review of the Logan Paul vs Floyd Mayweather boxing match. The 26-year-old attended the event which he called “the worst purchase” he had ever made in his life. “The fight itself was one of the most miserably boring things I’ve ever sat through. I had more fun falling asleep in the Uber to the arena,” he exclaimed. Despite his disappointment, he explained that Logan Paul surprised him. “I will say I was impressed with Logan Paul. At least he was doing something. Mayweather… This was all you would see,” the YouTuber said, putting his hands up in a blocking position to mimic the champion boxer.
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“But at least Logan was kind of constantly moving his arms, like throwing them. It kind of looked like some aerobics s**t from an 80s VHS. But at least he was trying to throw punches. I prefer that as opposed to Mayweather’s technique of trying to bore the entire audience to death.”
(Topic starts at 1:59)
Interestingly, White described the mood of the audience changing after Floyd’s performance didn’t live up to expectations. “The entire crowd was pretty much against Logan and everyone was cheering for Mayweather. By the end of it, they were booing Mayweather and cheering for Logan. The people near us were huge Mayweather fans. They were so excited. By the end every time he moved they were booing him. Because he was so boring.” MoistCr1TiKaL also shut down boxing critics and enthusiasts for praising Mayweather technically landing more points over Logan Paul. “Yeah, maybe to like hardcore boxing nerds that is cool. But to everyone else that is so f**kng boring. His dodges are super impressive, great. You know what would have been even better? If he returned with some punches. Or anything besides just moving around.”
The YouTuber also hit out at the fighter only dodging. “Yes, [Mayweather] is impressive, I completely agree. But goddamn is it extraordinary unfun to watch in every capacity. If this is truly what boxing is, then boxing f**king sucks.” White was also critical of how much of the fight was just the two competitors hugging on top of each other, instead of throwing actual punches.