Sodapoppin shuts down theory that GreekGodx is playing a character

Zackerie Fairfax
sodapoppin on hatewatchers podcast

While on the Hatewatchers podcast hosted on DKane’s Twitch channel, Sodapoppin shut down the theory that GreekGodx’s radical takes are a part of a character he plays for stream.

Chance ‘Sodapoppin’ Morris was the first guest to appear on the new Hatewatchers podcast hosted by streamers DKane and RazorATX. During the two-hour episode, Sodapoppin dived into what it’s like being one of Twitch’s largest long-time streamers.

During this, he was also asked about his former close friend and housemate GreekGodx. Dimitri ‘Greek’ Antonatos rose to popularity playing League of Legends, but recently became the target of intense scrutiny after spreading controversial opinions on Twitch.

His views reflect that of Andrew Tate and other creators in the Manosphere. But his peers and viewers have theorized that Greek is playing a character in pursuit of clout and that the opinions he shares aren’t ones he actually holds.

Sodapoppin rejects theory that Greek is playing a character

RazorATX brought up the topic of GreekGodx asking Sodapoppin for his opinions. “All this stuff with Greek. He kind of took this Andrew Tate route… Do you think it’s real? Do you think it’s an act?”

Soda paused before answering. “It’s unfortunately sad and real, I think. There’s things that Greek has said and done in my opinion that could justify him being dumb enough to think that doing all of this fake is good.

“If he were to be faking all of these weird takes – the way he is- he’d be doing it because it’d be beneficial to him. But it’s not. I could see a world where he’s so dumb that he just doesn’t put together that it’s not working, but I don’t think that’s the case.”

Soda and Greek were friends for a long time before Greek began this new arch as a streamer which prompted Razor to ask if the two still talked. Soda delivered a swift “no” before diving into a story of the last time the two “communicated”.

Chance explained that, when Greek left their group, they had kicked him off of the phone plan. However, Greek had reached out to ask for help getting his phone working again. Soda decided to be an adult and help Greek, only to later find out he was not actually talking to Greek.

“He actually got someone else to pretend to be him to talk to me to help fix his phone, and I didn’t know that I wasn’t talking to him,” Soda shared.