Diablo 4 Caged Heart of the Barber bug “steals” damage

Samantha Giambra
Diablo 4 Caged heart of the barber

Wrathful Hearts in Diablo 4 are already the most powerful and rare hearts to collect due to their ability to slot into any socket, but one, in particular, is raising a few eyebrows; Caged Heart of the Barber.

Caged Heart of the Barber is imperative to the success of several builds within Diablo 4 Season 1, but it has been causing an uproar in the community without most players realizing it is the Heart that’s the issue.

There are several bugged Caged Hearts, but this one appears to be stealing the damage of other party members or those completing Legion Events.

Caged Heart of the Barber bug

The Caged Heart of the Barber is supposed to cause all of the players Critical Strikes and all subsequent damage within a certain amount of seconds, depending on the level of the heart, after the Crit is absorbed within the target.

After a few moments, that stored damage is released in one fell swoop, causing a very high crit. The damage is also multiplied by a certain amount, also depending on the level of the heart, after being stored.

This can give players a boost to their morale, especially during boss fights with friends when they see the staggering number that can reach the mid-millions. Sadly, players are not the ones actually causing this damage on their own; it is stealing the damage of those around them, bursting it out in one shot, and making others wonder why they are no longer seeing numbers pop up above the boss’s head.

MacroBioBoi on YouTube worded the glitch very well, stating that the damage basically goes into a large bucket, and at the end of the Heart’s timer, it will explode from that bucket and cause millions of “stolen” damage.

All of the damage other party members or surrounding players would do during a World Boss fight or otherwise stops once the Heart of the Barber kicks in for whoever is using it.

That means that once the user with the Heart starts to crit, other players’ numbers vanish, and the one with the heart will see all of their absorbed damage and everyone else’s burst out at once. This has caused confusion, as no one knew whether or not their game was bugged and no longer showing their numbers or if something was wrong with their class.

It will be interesting to see if the developers fix this known bug in the upcoming 1.1.1 patch, but only time will tell.