PlayStation players furious at Warzone Pacific after major issues on PS4 & PS5

Alec Mullins
Playstation players are having a tough time with Warzone Pacific so far

PlayStation players are reporting major performance and crashing issues in Warzone Pacific that are making the game virtually unplayable on PS4 & PS5.

The time to kiss Verdansk goodbye has come as Call of Duty Vanguard has now fully integrated into Warzone, bringing players into the scenes of WWII with the arrival of Warzone Pacific and the new Caldera map.

While this would typically be an exciting time for avid fans of the franchise, some problems with the game on the PlayStation family of consoles have made the entire affair a brutal experience for any eager would-be soldiers.

Major Warzone Pacific issues on PS4 & PS5

Warzone Pacific graphic
Things are off to a rocky start for PlayStation players that are hoping to fight for control of Caldera in Warzone Pacific

It didn’t take long at all for members of the community to report the first crashes on the new Caldera map.

One Twitter user noted the problems only twelve minutes after the servers went live: “Of course my game keeps crashing every time I try to log into Warzone Pacific. Pain.”

The constant crashing is only one part of the problem as well, as there are a handful of other performance issues making things worse.

As Borruso44 points out, many of the game’s textures are not rendering properly, leaving players helpless when trying to navigate around the map: “When dropping in the game does not load properly which cause my game to freeze and crash. I am on PS5 and this is unacceptable.”

On top of a lack of fine textures, each new crash runs the threat of completely freezing a console to the point where unplugging it is the only option to reset.

Raven Software has yet to acknowledge the problems with the game’s poor performance on Sony’s consoles.