Modern Warfare leak reveals first look at returning classic CoD weapon

Call of Duty leaker and YouTuber TheGamingRevolution has revealed the first in-game look at a classified Modern Warfare light-machine gun that will be released in Season 3.
The much-anticipated release of Modern Warfare’s third season brought many changes such as new maps, operators, and even some new weapons.
Infinity Ward had much more in-store for Season 3, however, revealing that even more maps and content would be released over the course of the new season.

The SKS and the Renetti were introduced on April 8, and Infinity Ward teased that they would also be adding a classified LMG at some point in the season.
Modern Warfare leaker TheGamingRevolution shared a short gameplay clip of the unreleased LMG which is currently listed under the code name ‘LM-MKILO3.’
The YouTuber, along with many CoD fans, claimed that from the short clip that was shared, the upcoming LMG looks incredibly similar to one of the Modern Warfare series’ classic weapons, the M249 SAW.
Topic starts at 0:26 for mobile users.
The M249 SAW has only been added to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and the remastered title’s multiplayer in the past, although it has made its appearance in the MW2 and Black Ops campaign.
While the unreleased weapon’s details weren’t fully rendered out in the leaked gameplay, many were still confident that the iconic LMG looked set to make its return.

TheGamingRevolution hinted that the M249 could be released as early as April 28, as Infinity Ward has announced a significant update will be added on that date.
As is the case with all leaks, the information surrounding the classified LMG is not yet confirmed by Infinity Ward and is still subject to change before the weapon’s release in Season 3.