Jukeyz exposes Warzone player blatantly stream sniping on Twitch

Theo Salaun
warzone jukeyz stream sniper

Stream snipers have become a daily nuisance for Call of Duty: Warzone’s best players, but Jukeyz got the rare chance to expose one — who was streaming himself blatantly track the EU star’s Twitch channel on another monitor.

A London Royal Ravens content creator and one of Warzone’s highest earners, Liam ‘Jukeyz’ James has amassed quite the following — including over 100,000 followers on Twitch. But, like many of the game’s most renowned streamers, that popularity can be used against him. 

While playing in a 2v2 wager for money, Jukeyz was hunted and killed by a team that seemed to know exactly where he was. Finding the name of his assailants, the streamer then proved why they were finding him so persistently, as one of them happened to be brashly streaming himself calling out where Jukeyz was.

Frustrated with the behavior and debating the wager’s cancellation, Jukeyz shared a clip of the incident on Twitter. In the video, the stream sniper can be seen glancing over to another monitor and giddily telling his teammates precisely where the Warzone competitor was on the map. 

This clip not only exposes the stream sniper, who goes by Nabzy, for breaking Twitch’s terms of services. It also proves the difficulties faced by popular streamers, who have to decide between streaming in real-time so they can chat with their fans or stream on a delay to derail potential stream snipers.

Distaste for the malicious, stream-watching behavior was exemplified in the replies by fans calling the sniper “embarrassing” and by fellow Warzone streamers as well. Former CoD pro and a top Warzone earner himself, Charlie ‘MuTeX’ Saouma responded to the clip colorfully: “This s**t was annoying as f**k to watch.”

Since stream snipers are rarely streamers themselves, it’s rare to catch them in action. In other cases, like with Warzone’s No. 5 earner, Tommey’ Trewren, people have been caught without the evidence of a face cam.

For those who wonder why streamers play with delays during tournaments, these clips show exactly why. It also explains why some of the game’s most popular players, like Nicholas ‘NICKMERCS’ Kolcheff and Mason ‘Symfuhny’ Lanier, are hesitant to play in big events (aside from hacker worries).

Streaming on a delay means you lose real-time interactivity with your chat, so it’s obviously something streamers don’t want to do. But, when stream snipers are getting as bold as the one chasing Jukeyz, it’s clear why delays are common.

Additionally, this exposes why so many of Warzone’s best players have been asking the developers for a dedicated “Streamer Mode.” At the moment, it remains unclear if Raven Software intends to implement such a mode, which would mask streamers’ identities in-game.