Dr Disrespect reveals minor Warzone tweaks that would make it perfect

Jacob Hale

Dr Disrespect has revealed the minor tweaks he believes are needed to make Warzone perfect after explaining why he’s so happy with it compared to other games.

The Two-Time has been on somewhat of a Valorant binge while the beta for it is out, testing out Riot Games’ upcoming first-person shooter that many predict to be the next big thing in gaming and esports.

However, when asked which game he’s happiest with right now, he actually said Call of Duty’s battle royale title Warzone, and added that the game only really needs a couple of minor tweaks.

Player dropping into Call of Duty: Warzone.
Over 15 million players dropped into Verdansk in the first three days post-launch.

“I’m really happy with Warzone, minus the hackers and the meta,” Doc said. “I think the level design is really cool, I think the combat makes sense for the game… It just needs a couple of small tweaks, that’s it. It’s a fun BR.”

He went on to say that the issues with the game need to be addressed “right now.” He said: “RPG’s, take them out. Take out the trucks, [or] make them one-shot lock-on, and make the hitbox of the player driving better. Then get rid of the hackers.”

The Two-Time added that outside of those issues the game is “a lot of fun” and “addicting,” which makes sense seeing how much he’s been playing the game since it launched in April, alongside some of the biggest names in streaming.

The Doc did point out that the audio can be an issue, but he doesn’t believe there’s a way out of that as the issue has “existed since the game launched last year in October.”

Despite the problems he has with Warzone, there’s no doubt that Dr Disrespect is a massive fan of the game, especially as someone who has built his brand off the back of the battle royale genre.

Whether Activision make the changes the Doc suggests to Warzone remains to be seen – they’ve already started taking action against hackers, but they’ve not mentioned any nerfs to RPG’s or trucks just yet.