Black Ops 4 January 22 Game Settings Update features the return of the Kap-45 and new Multiplayer Playlists – Patch notes

Treyarch has released a new Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 update and while it’s not as expansive as last week’s v1.11 update, it contains a few additions that fans will be happy to see. 

Black Ops 4 has receieved fairly regular updates ever since its release in October 2018 and it looks like this week is no different with the January 22 Game Settings Update.

At the forefront of this update is the release of a brand-new Special Event Stream for PlayStation 4 owners that features the return of an infamous weapon from Black Ops 2.

First leaked through game files in the PC version of Black Ops 4, the Kap-45 is now official and available to PS4 players with the Barbarian Special Event Stream.

The fully automatic pistol will surely be one that players will try and obtain as quickly as possible in order to find out if it’s anything like its predecessor, the Kap-40 from Black Ops 2.

This wasn’t all that the new update brought, however, as there is a brand-new featured playlist for Multiplayer, Chaos Domination.

Chaos Domination is the new featured playlist in Black Ops 4.

Chaos Domination will give players a new way to experience the popular mode with a new ruleset:

  • Capture time per objective reduced to 3 seconds
  • Score limit per round increased to 150
  • Score win limit increased to 300

Last, but certainly not least, Treyarch also added the Black Ops Pass maps to all playlists after having to remove them last week due to an issue that was discovered.

You can read the full patch notes for the January 22 update below:

Jan. 22 Update: Barbarians Special Event (PS4), Gauntlets and New Elixirs in Zombies (Xbox One/PC), Down But Not Out Tomorrow (Xbox One/PC), Blackout Looting Fixes (PS4/Xbox One)

We’re stacking up the loot with a new four-week Special Event stream in the Black Market! Launching today on PS4, the Barbarians Event adds 25 new loot Tiers below the existing Operation Absolute Zero stream, so players can earn twice as much loot per Tier as usual. Unlockable rewards include new Outfits, Gestures, Calling Cards, a new Reactive Camo for the Hades LMG, and our newest earnable weapon, the KAP 45 full-auto pistol.

Our MP Featured Playlist selection is refreshed today with Chaos Domination taking the top spot, along with Team Tactical Moshpit, Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit, Mercenary Hardcore Moshpit, and Mercenary Capture Moshpit in the Featured category. We’ve also added Elevation and Madagascar back to rotation for Black Ops Pass holders in standard and Hardcore playlists.

In Zombies, Gauntlets and new Epic Elixirs arrive on Xbox One and PC today! Players can take on 30 timed rounds of insane challenges in “Unsinkable”, and last even longer against the undead with the new Perk UpRefresh Mint, and Conflagration Liquidation Elixirs. As a reminder, we’ll also be testing out some fresh Concoction bundles in the Zombies Laboratory over the coming weeks – keep an eye out for new combinations and let us know what you think.

And as our Blackout Free Trial continues on all platforms, Down But Not Out kicks off on Xbox One and PC tomorrow at 10AM PT! Get ready to jump in as a squad and redeploy with each new Collapse as long as one of your teammates survives. We’ve also implemented new fixes for the looting interface on consoles to help players to tab through Stashes and prevent the d-pad from getting stuck while scrolling through Stashes.

Here’s what’s new since our last update:

  • Barbarians Special Event stream in the Black Market including KAP 45 full-auto pistol (PS4).
  • Gauntlets and new Epic Elixirs in Zombies (Xbox One/PC).
  • Chaos Domination added as MP Featured Playlist.
  • Team Tactical Moshpit, Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit, Mercenary Hardcore Moshpit, and Mercenary Capture Moshpit added to MP Featured category.
  • Elevation and Madagascar back in MP map rotation for Black Ops Pass holders.
  • Stash looting interface fixes in Blackout (consoles).
  • Various gameplay improvements and crash fixes in MP, Blackout, and Zombies.

The following updates are live today on PS4, Xbox One, and PC:


  • Featured Playlists
    • Chaos Domination added as Featured Playlist.
      • 3-second zone capture time.
      • Round score limit increased from 100 to 150.
      • Game score limit increased from 200 to 300.
      • 6v6 (up to 12 players).
    • Team Tactical Moshpit, Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit, Mercenary Hardcore Moshpit, and Mercenary Capture Moshpit added to Featured category.
  • Maps
    • Elevation and Madagascar added back to regular Core and Hardcore map rotation for Black Ops Pass holders.
  • Specialists
    • Crash
      • Resolved an issue with players being unable to obtain ammo from Crash’s Assault Pack after dying.
  • Stability
    • Implemented various crash fixes.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Closed an exploit that allowed players to get a full Equipment charge by switching classes.


  • Stability
    • Fixed a crash that could occur when the player had Mule Kick from using the Perk Up Elixir when completing round 14 in “Unsinkable”.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Classified
      • Closed exploits that allowed players to jump into various exploitable areas.

The following updates are live first on PS4:


  • Special Event
    • Barbarians Special Event added to the Black Market.
    • 25 new Tiers of loot to earn, available in the Special Event stream below the existing Operation Absolute Zerostream.
    • Rewards include new Outfits, Gestures, Calling Cards, Reactive Camo, and KAP 45 full-auto pistol.

The following updates are now live on Xbox One and PC:


  • Gauntlets
    • Unsinkable” Gauntlet live in Voyage of Despair.
    • 30 rounds of challenges with unique rules for each round.
    • Players earn medals and tiered rewards for completing rounds 10, 20, and 30, as well as an additional reward for completing round 30 without failing a round.
    • Players are issued a Strike by failing a round, with the game ending after three Strikes.
    • All matches are timed for competitive speed-run support.
  • New Elixirs
    • Perk Up (Epic): Gain 4 additional random Perks that are not in your loadout.
    • Refresh Mint (Epic): Refreshes the cooldowns for Equipment, Perks, and Special Weapons for your entire team.
    • Conflagration Liquidation (Epic): Spawn a Bonfire Sale power-up.

The following updates are now live on consoles:


  • Looting Interface (consoles)
    • Addressed issues where players could lose the ability to use the directional pad to scroll to items until closing and re-opening a Stash.
    • Addressed issues where players could lose the ability to change tabs after picking up items from a Stash.
  • Stability
    • Fixed rare crashes that could occur when interacting with items and Stashes.



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