Ten year-old Apex Legends prodigy carries ImperialHal in ranked match

Carver Fisher
ImperialHal carried by ten year-old Apex Legends

Lilfredson, a ten-year-old Apex Legends player that’s been doing his best to climb all the way to Rank 1, just carried ImperialHal, a pro player he looks up to, to a big win in a Predator lobby.

It’s been made abundantly clear in recent years that young players are no joke when it comes to competitive games like Valorant or Apex Legends. Some parents who work with their kids and allow them to put their all into being the best have seen some fantastic results.

For instance, a young Valorant player by the name of Darxcio hit rank 1 at the age of 14, achieving a higher rank than players who have spent years trying to get there.

Another child prodigy going by the name Lilfredson got matched up with ImperialHal in a ranked match and managed to clutch out a 1v3 situation not once, but twice in a single match, all with Hal cheering him on and recognizing the Apex Legends phenom’s skill.

ImperialHal gets carried by a ten-year-old player in Pred lobby

ImperialHal is one of the best players to ever touch Apex Legends. Between winning the first Apex Legends Split of 2023 and keeping TSM on the map as one of the most competitive organizations operating within Apex Legends, there’s a reason he’s one of the most popular players.

It says a lot that he’s taken notice of Lilfredson, a young player who’s been putting some serious work into climbing the Apex Legends ranked ladder.

Not only did Hal recognize Lilfredson, but he also got carried by him in some clutch scenarios lesser players wouldn’t have survived.

Lilfredson managed to clutch two separate 1v3 scenarios where both of his teammates were down, ultimately carrying ImperialHal to victory. It’s not like Hal didn’t carry his own weight, with both players having almost 4k damage by the end of the match, but Lilfredson was ultimately the reason they took home the W.

According to Fred’s father, getting to queue ranked with ImperialHal and Verhulst is a huge goal for him. If he keeps playing like this, Hal might be the one asking to get carried instead.