Dr Disrespect argues PUBG is better than Apex Legends in one major way

Eli Becht

Twitch streamer Dr Disrespect argues PUBG and other battle royale games are more exciting for a viewer than Apex Legends.

Apex Legends is the hot commodity on both Twitch and the battle royale market. Since it’s release, it has sat at or near the top of the Twitch directory at just about every moment.

Several big name streamers have made their impact with the game, including Twitch star Dr Disrespect, who has since made Apex Legends his main game to play.

Dr Disrespect is one of Twitch’s most outspoken streamers as he always seems to share his true thoughts on everything and anything.

In a recent clip, he shared his thoughts on the state of Apex Legends from the perspective of a viewer, and he had some interesting comparisons to make.

“I think watching Apex gameplay isn’t exciting,” said Dr Disrespect on his stream. “I think watching Battlegrounds is way more exciting in my opinion.”

He goes on to say both Fortnite and H1Z1 are both more exciting games to watch as well. He then makes an interesting comparison to Overwatch.

“It’s kind of like Overwatch,” begins The Doc. “You know Overwatch, it’s super fun to play, it’s highly addictive but it’s just absolutely terrible to watch.”

The Doc still says he enjoys playing Apex Legends but he thinks from the standpoint of the viewer there are more exciting games to watch.

He might be onto something with that assessment as viewership for Apex Legends has started to lag behind Fortnite recently, which could be chalked up to Fortnite getting a new season while Apex Legends is still waiting on the first Battle Pass to release.

Once the first season of Apex Legends officially begins, we’ll be able to get a better idea of how Apex Legends will stack up to Fortnite on Twitch in the long run.