Apex Legends teasers could hint at next World’s Edge map update

Alan Bernal

As the current era of Apex Legends winds down, Respawn Entertainment is already looking ahead to the next phases of the game that could include an updated look to World’s Edge.

People who completed the Broken Ghost quest line know that the devs have strongly suggested that the Apex Games would take a trip to Olympus on the plant Psamathe soon. But that hasn’t stopped Respawn from adding a few new elements to World’s Edge that are sending players for a loop.

There have been multiple sightings of Hammond Robotics banners across the Arena, and it’s something to note since the last time we got these kinds of signs it resulted in the giant Harvester on the map.

This time around, two different areas of the battlefield have been zoned for construction as it looks like they’ll soon be the site of new updates. Apex Loremaster ‘FrozenFroh’ plotted out these sites indicating that the aptly named Drill Suite and the eastern area of The Dome up for a change.

A hologram at Drill Site has also been added; the same logo that ushered in the first Harvester is seen here again and could have a similar impact on the map.

It remains unclear if this means those points of interest will have either Harvester-like structures or more buildings above and below ground.

But people are skeptical that these changes are even going to come. There’s a bit of apprehension about accepting these as clear indications that there will be updates to World’s Edge in Season 6.

A portion of the player base is expecting Respawn to perhaps lure the community again with clues to a World’s Edge update just to give people a new map in the upcoming season, similar to what they did with Forge and Revenant in Season 4.

It’s well within Respawn’s track record of doing both: delivering a new Arena on Psamathe while continuing the story and development of the lava-filled tundra.

The next major update for Apex Legends will have a ton of surprises for the community, which should explain what’s happening on World’s Edge.