Apex Legends pro Mendo finds hidden Caustic trick to make gas traps fly

Alan Bernal

Team Liquid pro Lucas ‘Mendokusaii’ Håkansson found a consistent way to turn Caustic’s Nox Gas Traps in Apex Legends into flying projectiles to take opponents by surprise.

With the new Apex Legends Global Series picking up soon, pro players around the world are refining their tactics in the battle royale to keep one leg above the rest of the heap – which sometimes can also mean finding new ways to make use of a Legend’s abilities.

Previously we’ve seen Caustic’s gas traps do some weird things that can sometimes feel like they have a mind of their own, but Mendo actually tested out a way to make a launching effect consistent and effective.

Mendo just gave Caustic players a new way to create havoc in the Apex Games.

By throwing out a gas trap so that Caustic is “partially inside of it,” players can move forward into the trap to make it jump forward instead of just having it be a stationary container.

“There’s no way that’s actually real,” Mendo said while testing the new launching mechanic. “I’m going to launch it.”

Though the first few attempts only sent the trap skipping ahead a small distance, he soon figured out how to give the projectile a bit more reach.

“The longer I stay, the further it flies too,” he said.

Sitting inside of the gas trap for about six seconds made a huge difference, making the gas trap scale almost the whole way up the Firing Range’s hill. For added effect, Mendo even saw that you can “triple stack” traps and shoot them before launching it, so that they spew out Nox Gas while flying.

The Liquid pro stumbled onto this oddity in one of his matches after taking down an opponent and using the trap to conceal himself while he healed. After finishing his heal, the trap went flying, prompting him to go into the Firing Range to test it out, and he found that you can even throw one onto a teammate for them to launch it.

The view inside of a Nox Gas Trap that sends it flying.

This discovery gives Caustic the ability to send his traps barrelling into an opponent’s stronghold.

So, if a team nestles themselves into a building or room while filling it with Wattson’s fences or the like, instead of taking a head-on fight, just launch a trap from a distance and smoke them out.

While this hidden Caustic mechanic still needs some refining and it could be tricky to master, but it’s a game-changer for people looking for new ways to terrorize the Apex Games with the Toxic Trapper.