Nvidia GPU beta app finally fixes our biggest problem with GeForce Experience

Sayem Ahmed
Nvidia App screenshot showing cyberpunk and other titles

Nvidia has rolled out a new driver update, which also comes with an Nvidia Beta software app, which you can finally use without a mandatory login, unlike GeForce Experience.

GPU manufacturer Nvidia has finally decided to overhaul the GeForce Experience app. Nvidia announced on its blog, that alongside a driver update, it intends to overhaul its software in several different ways.

Firstly, you’ll be able to choose from both “Game Ready” and “Studio” drivers, as well as the ability to allow games to be optimized with a single click, based on your system specs and GPU. This was previously present in GeForce Experience but has been further streamlined in the new Nvidia app.

The app also integrated the Nvidia Control Panel, which has now been folded into this singular piece of software. You also get a redesigned in-game overlay, with access to Shadowplay, Highlights, Filters, Performance metrics, and more. It all just feels a bit more slick than their previous offering, which could feel splintered at times. Broadcast remains a separate piece of software, however.

But, one major change is that you can finally forego one big thing that many users complained about with Nvidia’s software suite: The mandatory login screen.

Beta Nvidia app gets rid of login screen

Nvidia app showing login button

Taking a note from AMD’s software, the new Nvidia app does not require you to sign in to an account to access the app’s full potential. While you still have the option to log in manually, no interstitial forces you to create an account or log into the app to access it.

This could be down to Nvidia wanting more users to use their software suite and should help to increase the adoption of the admittedly very useful features on offer. Since this is a beta release, not all features have been implemented quite yet, such as display and video experiences. GPU overclocking and driver rollback are also on the cards at Nvidia, and the company has reiterated that during the beta period, you’ll still be able to use the older applications.