Creepy Overwatch skin idea would be D.Va’s scariest cosmetic yet

An Overwatch fan has come up with a new skin for D.Va that would actually make her MEKA into a nightmare-inducing monster straight out of a fairy tale.
D.Va is, rightly so, one of the most popular heroes in Overwatch, and could be considered the face of the franchise, if Tracer hadn’t already locked that spot up.
Even though she just got two new skins for the 2020 All-Stars and Halloween Terror events, this obviously wasn’t enough for cosmetic-starved D.Va fans.
To keep things moving right along, artist Jouste has come up with a cosmetic based on Baba Yaga, a witch from Slavic folklore who lives in a hut that walks around on chicken legs.

As you would expect, in lieu of a cabin in the woods, D.Va only has her Mech, and chicken legs actually look extremely natural on it, since they both bend the same way.
Similar to her Halloween skin, it’s also become a house as well, but instead of a spooky haunted Korean temple, it looks more like the residence of an evil babushka, complete with a beak coming out of the front door.
Hana herself is sporting your classic pointed witchy hat with twigs, feathers, and frizzled hair to really sell the whole “living alone in the middle of nowhere” look.
Finally, even her Bunny Blaster sidearm has been made over, and now sports an adorable little frog holding on to the bottom who has a great front-row seat to watch D.Va frag out.

We don’t know which heroes will be getting Winter Wonderland skins for the next Overwatch seasonal event up on the calendar, but we wouldn’t mind it at all if Blizzard continued to bribe us all by giving D.Va another new skin to try and unlock.
Winter Wonderland usually gets going around the first or second week of December, but stick with Dexerto to find out the exact dates as soon as they’re announced.