Best Overwatch 2 DPS tier list: Most popular characters for Season 11

Josh Tyler
OW2 DPS Tier List

Overwatch 2‘s meta is constantly changing, and when it comes to the DPS line, there are a lot of Heroes to choose from. So we’ve put together the ultimate Overwatch 2 DPS tier list for Season 11.

Whether you’re a newbie, a casual player, or a seasoned veteran, this list is the ultimate guide to dominating the battlefield. So, let’s dive into our list of top-notch Overwatch 2 DPS heroes.

Based on the data available via Overbuff and how we’ve felt the meta play out, here is how different DPS heroes stack up to each other.


S Tier


Overwatch 2 Tracer in Pride Midtown map

Tracer may not have gotten any changes in Season 11, but she still is a must-pick in many maps. An amazing hero to harass backlines with, essential to marking enemy Tracers from fights, and a fantastic dive hero, she’s a great pick for any composition.


Sojourn in OW2
Sojourn is one of the strongest heroes in the hands of a capable player.

Technically only getting a balance change for Sojourn, in reality, she got a massive buff and remains the best hitscan. Now that the railgun’s primary fire rate has been increased, and it’s easier to hit collaterals, she’s just the perfect DPS, with great mobility and AOE damage.

A Tier


Pharah in Overwatch 2

One of the biggest surprises in Season 11 is Pharah as she has been tearing up the meta. Since Cassidy, one of the biggest her biggest counters, has taken a notch down, Pharah has become one of the best DPS’.

It’s hard to tell if her dominance correlates with the rise in Mercy players, but even without a pocket Pharah still dominates from the skies, dishing out consistent rockets and damage while being nigh unkillable if you don’t have a hitscan on your team marking her.


OW2 Cassidy

In a meta dominated by Tracer, it was reassuring that Cassidy was a surefire way to keep pesky Tracers off your backline, threatening them with the Magnetic Grenade.

Now that Cassidy’s Grenade has gotten a rework to act like his flashbang, he has been taken down a notch as the threat to Tracers is less prevalent, especially now that Fan the Hammer’s damage has been reduced. However, now he still is a great option for hitscans, but just not as effective in marking dive heroes.


A screenshot featuring Ashe in Overwatch 2.

Ashe has also become a stronger pick thanks to the DPS passive. With her good levels of poke, Ashe is decent at slowly poking out heroes over time and even getting the occasional pick. Bob is still an excellent ultimate who can devastate teams if placed correctly as well.


Overwatch 2 Sombra rework unveiled

When Season 10 came to a close, it felt like Sombra’s place in the meta slowly slid away, and in Season 11, she was placed in a unique spot. She’s not always useful, but when up against pesky tanks and supports like Mauga and Zenyatta, she becomes a fantastic pocket pick.


reaper in overwatch 2

If there’s one role Reaper excels in, it’s being a tank buster, and his slight Season 11 buffs prove that point. Not a great pick in long-ranged maps, but when dealing with Winstons or Maugas in brawl composition matchups, he becomes a fantastic DPS. So just like Sombra, Reaper is more of a pocket pick.

B Tier


A screenshot featuring Venture from Overwatch 2.

Arriving in Season 10, Venture feels right at home in the dive/brawl meta we see ourselves in. Although not as fast mobility-wise as other heroes, Venture still is a very potent DPS when it comes to eliminating squishes.

Soldier 76

soldier 76 pose in overwatch 2

Soldier 76 is similar to Sojourn, playing as a front-to-back DPS who deals good levels of damage. Alongside the benefits of the new DPS passive, Soldier 76’s projectiles became easier to land. However, what he misses is Sojourn’s one-shot potential and mobility, which is why he’s down here.


Although Echo is great at the high levels of play, to the majority of players she’s quite hard to pin down. her mobility is fantastic, and her damage is great, with a high-value ult as well in her copy. The problem with Echo is how hard she is to master, as in the hand of a great player she’s unstoppable, but with an unskilled user, she flounders.


Mei in Overwatch 2

Like Torbjorn, Mei is resistant to much of the change around her. Much of her kit is still exactly the same, but she’s not performing quite as well in Season 11. Especially when there are so many better options available.


OW2 Widowmaker

Widowmaker saw a resurgence in recent seasons, but now in Season 11, she is more of a pocket pick, only being viable on maps like Havana or Circuit Royale, but easily countered by a good dive and a Winston hunting for you.


overwatch 2 bastion redesign

Bastion is still an alright option in Season 11. He still dishes out insane amounts of burst damage, but the problem is that he’s not very versatile, only playing his best when pocketed by supports, which is not what you want in a DPS.


ow2 hanzo arrow hitbox

Hanzo is in general terms just a weaker version of Widowmaker. Without the capability to one-shot heroes in the mid-range, his kit just ends up being not super useful in the current meta.

C Tier


Overwatch 2 Torbjorn

Torbjorn has always been a bit of a niche character in Overwatch 2. He’s still a good anti-dive character, which is decent in this meta, but a lot of his kit leaves things to be desired.


overwatch 2 symmetra win header image

Symmetra will always be one of the oddballs in Overwatch 2. Her primary fire is incredibly low range, with her clunky turrets and ultimate just making her a far less desirable character among the DPS roster.

D tier


Junkrat in Overwatch 2
Junkrat is just not the pick at the moment, and will likely not be for quite some time.

Easily the hero who suffered the most with the hero HP changes was Junkrat. Without his potential one-shot combo with his mines, he has quickly become one of the worst heroes in the game. Even before the changes, he was relatively weak, making him a pretty bad option to play. However, you can still pull off Junkrat, if you’re a dedicated one-trick that is.