Best Overwatch 2 tank heroes tier list: Most popular characters for current meta

Josh Tyler
Overwatch 2 Tank Tier List

Who are the best tank heroes to play in Overwatch 2 Season 9? We’ve listed the absolute best of the best all the way through to the weakest options in the current season. Here’s what you need to know.

Season 9 of Overwatch 2 brought a massive change to almost every hero, increasing their health pools. On top of that DPS received a new passive that reduced healings, significantly changing the way the game is played.

To that end, we look to Overbuff and our read on the meta to help us determine which heroes are thriving.


S Tier


Orisa spear

When Season 9 started, Orisa took quite the hit. But as the Season’s brawl and sustain meta slowly built up in the mid-season, Orisa saw herself once again at the pinnacle of the game. With great sustain, great CC, Fortify’s ability to cleanse effects, the ability to output a lot of damage, and doing wel in both poke and brawl comp. It’s no wonder Orisa is at the top right now.

A Tier


mauga firing guns in cage match

Finally, the king is dead, or at least that was the case in early Season 9. But after a mid-season update buffing the hero, Mauga is once again one of the best Tanks in the game. Although not as great as he was during the mid-season, Mauga still remains a great pick with great damage, an unstoppable movement ability, and great sustain, he’s once again back on top, but not exactly on the throne again.


overwatch sigma animation

Sigma has, and always, be a great pick. If you feel you’re getting counter-picked, switching to Sigma is usually a good choice. And that’s because of his great kit at absorbing enemy bullets and great CC with his Accretion and ult. And in a meta so focused around damage, Sigma remains a good pick.

Junker Queen

Junker Queen Overwatch 2

Despite a rocky start to Season 9, Junker Queen’s place in the meta has shot up especially with the brawl-y, sustain heavy meta coming back again. Queen thrives off getting up close to enemies, and in a meta that likes to see teams brawl in tight space, she is perfect.


With a good amount of sustain and the ability to output a lot of damage, Ramattra is a solid pick in Season 9’s meta. Despite not having the mobility that the other top-tier tanks have, Ramattra is still able to keep himself relatively tanky thanks to his barrier and block. Nemesis form also grants Ramattra movement speed, which lets him keep pace with some of the faster heroes running around.


Doomfist on Lijang tower

Doomfist has always had a rocky place in the meta, with his impact being non-existent in some Seasons, while being a top pick in others. But in Season 9, Doom has seen his time to shine. Despite Mauga and the brawl/sustain metas creeping back up again, Doom surprisingly has a place in it as his high amounts of mobility and potetial to burst damage squishies if you land his combos perfectly makes him viable.

B Tier


Winston in Overwatch 2

Mr Winston was certainly at the top at the start of Seaosn 9, but as the meta evolved in the Season, Dive characters like Winston has taken a hit. Although he has a great amount of mobility, it’s hard to play Winston when Tanks like Orisa, Mauga, and Rammattra is at the top right now. So if you’re planning on going Winston, it’s best to only play our favorite scientist Gorrila against other Dive heroes.


dva ow2

Like Winston, dive tank D.Va functions similarly in this meta. D.Va provides great mobility and damage mitigation, however, struggles in the realm of sustain, And in a meta filled with tank-y heroes that needs you as the tank to outlast theirs, its a tough order for D.Vas.

Wrecking Ball

When Season 9 came out, Wrecking Ball felt like he was back on top. However, deep into the Season, it’s no longer the case. From sustain heavy tanks to extremely mobile backlines that can easily dodge you, and DPS’ like Soujourn that can easily take your health down fast, it’s certainly hard. So lets hope Season 10’s rework gives Hammond a higher spot.


Overwatch 2 Roadhog

Roadhog has been hurt quite a bit by the changes in Season 9. The increased hero health has meant his one shot combos have less potential, while the reduced healing also affects his main form of survivability in Take a Breather.

As such Roadhog has dipped a fair bit in strength, making him less of a contender for the tank role.


OW2 Zarya

Zarya has lost her footing as one of the stronger tanks available in Overwatch 2. Despite her incredibly damage output and fantastic ultimate, Zarya just doesn’t quite have the survivability nor mobility to survive the immense damage output that’s being put out in Season 9.

Zarya did receive some buffs that increased her damage, but she’s still capable of being blown up instantly, making her a less desirable hero at the moment.

C Tier


OW2 Reinhardt

Reinhardt is unfortunately the primary target of bullying in Overwatch 2. Season 9 doesn’t help the hammer-wielding tank either, as heroes like Tracer and Sombra run circles around him. He simply doesn’t have the mobility to keep up with the current hero pool and isn’t capable of dealing damage while protecting himself at the same time.

About The Author

Josh Tyler is Dexerto's US Editor, focused on TV and movies as well as all things gaming. Formerly of Fansided and Screen Rant. Tips welcome at