Simple GTA Online trick is perfect counter for MK II Oppressor trolls

GTA Online players have got a simple, yet genius, method to deal with trolls using a MK II Oppressor – and it involves using a Ramp Buggy.
Anyone who has dropped into a game of GTA Online will know just how annoying it can be when you’re going about your own business and get swarmed on by a troll or two.
They can make it impossible for you to complete a race, a mission, or will ruin your vehicle with their arsenal of weapons. The most popular choice of which comes in the form of the MK II Oppressor hoverbike.
The $3.8 million hoverbike, which is often referred to as the Boom Stick because of its missiles, is a terrifying sight at the best of times and as players find ways to deal with them, there is another that could be quite useful.

It all stems from a hilarious clip from Reddit user Sunbroski9500 who had been getting chased down by someone on a MK II Oppressor hoverbike.
While driving the Ramp Buggy, the Redditor started driving head-on at the oncoming lane of traffic. This meant that they could take advantage of the vehicle’s ramp by sending NPC cars over their head and in the direction of the enemy player.
It only took a few launches before one car was sent full force into the path of the MK II Oppressor. This plucked the enemy right out of the sky and sent them slap bang to the ground.
Obviously, to pull it off, you will need to get the angles all lined up and correct as a skilled MK II Oppressor flyer could dodge cars that are sent at them randomly. But, they’ll struggle if it’s lined up.
You’ll also need to get your hands on the Ramp Buggy, which will cost you $3,192,000, but its shown that it can be worth its weight in gold by dealing with Oppressor trolls.