Sony reveals PS5 footage showing how much faster it is vs PS4

Connor Bennett

A video has surfaced showing the power of the highly-anticipated PlayStation 5 console compared to its PlayStation 4 Pro counterpart.

Confirmed news about the upcoming PS5 next-gen console has been sparse, with details such as the release date and price point continually changing after rumors and speculation. Yet, one thing that fans do know, is just how powerful their platform is going to be.

Sony’s lead system architect Mark Cern had previously confirmed some aspects of the new console, showing just how far a leap into the next generation that PlayStation would be taking. Yet, there has finally been some visual evidence to show just how far they’ve come since releasing the PS4 and PS4 Pro.

Sony have opted against huge stage shows for their reveal of new titles and console.

Wall Street Journal tech journalist Takashi Mochizuki tweeted out details from Sony’s corporate strategy conference in Japan. His post about the difference in speeds between the two console quickly caught attention – especially when it seemed like the PS5 loaded games in the blink of an eye.

In the video, Sony revealed that on the PS4, Marvel’s Spider-Man takes around 8.10 seconds to load up, whereas, on the PS5, that loading time comes crashing down to a staggering 0.83 seconds. The game also looks like it has had a revamp too, with lighting and background colors changing a whole lot in the comparison between the two.

While nobody can be certain about whether or not Sony intended for the details, or video, to surface, it certainly backs up claims of little-to-no load times with titles on the PS5, even though they state that is still under development.

The console giant has already confirmed that they won’t be attending the upcoming E3 2019 trade fair, which kicks off on June 11, so fans and spectators won’t get to see the blistering speeds in action during the hype of other industry announcements.

Yet, at least there is now some visual indication of just how far Sony has taken their beloved consoles, stepping right into the next generation with insane power, leaving Microsoft to return serve with their Xbox offering.