Twitch streamer obliterates PC setup in rage after Fortnite death

Eli Becht
Epic Games / Pixabay

Fortnite can be a very frustrating game if you lose a fight that you think you should’ve won, but that doesn’t exactly mean you should start smashing your PC setup.

If you’re looking to make any sort of money from playing Fortnite, you’re going to need to put a lot of practice into the game.

Fortnite is a game that’s very easy to pick up, but extremely difficult to master, and players run into a lot of bumps in the road along the way to improvement. This streamer, though, hit a pretty big bump during a game.

Epic Games

Twitch streamer ZuckNZ was practicing his edits in a box fight when he ended up being bested by his opponent. After fighting for position with the other player, when it came time for both to fight, Zuck was wiped out with a clean shot.

Directly after his in-game death, he let his emotions get the best of him and he decided to demolish his streaming setup.

He punched his desk a couple of times before picking up his keyboard and hitting it several times against his desk, causing the sound to go out on his stream.

Purchasing nice PC peripherals isn’t the cheapest thing in the world, so being so rough with them isn’t the most ideal scenario and Zuck will be hoping none of his equipment is too damaged, as this could become an expensive moment of rage.

YouTube - Laim / Epic GamesNew year…. new keyboard?

Sometimes, your emotions do boil over and you need some way to let off some steam. Everyone remembers summit1g’s infamous monitor punch, so this keyboard smash is far from the first time this has happened.

Zuck stepped away from his stream to calm down a bit, but returned a few minutes later and went on to have an eight-hour stream.

Sometimes all you have to do is let go of your frustration to get the focus back. With that said, you should probably find a different outlet as destroying your keyboard and desk isn’t really the best idea.

We’ll just have to see if this rage ends up being good for his Fortnite skills in the long run.