You Can Break the Dusty Divot Meteor Using the Fortnite Shopping Cart

Ross Deason

It looks like there are still some issues with the Shopping Carts in Fortnite Battle Royale as some players have accidentally broken the meteor in the middle of Dusty Divot.

The introduction of the Shopping Cart to Fortnite Battle Royale was not the smoothest in the game’s history as it came with numerous strange and spectacular bugs.

In typical Epic Games fashion, the developers quickly worked on fixing these bugs and seeing the likes of flying Shopping Carts quickly became a thing of memory.

However, it soon became apparent that some glitches had slipped through the cracks as one bug saw the Shopping Cart destroy the bunker doors in Wailing Woods and allow players to see what is inside.

The Shopping Cart destruction doesn’t end there, though. It turns out that the metal trolleys are also perfect for destroying the meteor in the middle of Dusty Divot!

Reddit user toxicgiraffe posted a video of him and his squad breaking the meteor which, spoiler alert, seems to do nothing other than remove it completely.

Community members have often wondered what might be inside meteor but were left disappointed by the result of its destruction, much like with the Wailing Woods bunker.

Presumably the destruction of these objects is an unintentional use of the Shopping Carts, but with Fortnite Battle Royale there’s never any way of knowing for sure.

Perhaps this could all be part of some twisted master plan that none of us understand…

Or perhaps it’s just a weird glitch and thousands of players around the world are now going to spend their days testing the limits of the Shopping Cart’s destructive power.