Fortnitemares ends in Fortnite with an incredible Butterfly live event – Rewatch one-time event

Calum Patterson

Fortnitemares has come to an end in Fortnite Battle Royale with a bang, as the in-game live event saw Kevin the Cube split apart, and the Butterly event began.

As only the second live in-game event, the first being the rocket launch in Season 4, so the community was eagerly anticipating what Epic Games had in store this time around.

It brought an end to the Fortnitemares event, preparing the game for the next Season as the current Season 6 is also reaching the closing stages.

The event started with the Cube spinning quickly, and then suddenly imploding, turning the players’ whole screen white.

As you can see from Ninja’s stream, players were then left floating around a strange white area, as Rift turned into a Butterfly.

The Butterfly would then approach players, and a small cutscene took place as charcters reached out to touch the Butterfly, which sent them bombing back down to a newly renovated Loot Lake.

It is unclear what exactly it all means yet, but we will keep you updated with everything that fans discover about the mysterious butterfly and the remnants of the purple cube.