Twitch streamer questioned by Tokyo police after finding “drugs” on the street

A Twitch streamer roaming the streets of Tokyo was questioned by police after convincing a couple of tourists not to take some drugs he found.
IRL Twitch streams are as popular as ever with many content creators free to travel once again and document their adventures for the world to see.
During an early September broadcast, ‘CashMeow’ was in Tokyo when he happened to notice a substance in a baggy on the side of the road and peered down to take a better look.
Before he could take the bag, however, a woman swooped in to steal the possible drugs, prompting a stern warning from the Twitch streamer.
Cops question streamer after warning tourist not to take drugs
With the bag and possible drugs now in the tourist’s hands, CashMeow began pleading with her to hand them over.
“Yo, take that to the police!” he cried. “Is that yours? You gotta take that to the police.”
After a brief back and forth with the woman and her male friend, CashMeow pointed out how she was caught on stream and she decided to give up the bag by sneakily handing it behind her back.
Shortly thereafter, the streamer headed to the police station to hand over the bag and report what he had found.
At one point, the IRL streamer muted the broadcast so he could speak with the Japanese cops, but when he returned, he revealed a special agent would be questioning him and they identified it as “probably cocaine.”
Luckily, because everything was on camera, the streamer wasn’t worried about any future conversations with the authorities.
However, according to CashMeow, it’s also possible the baggy contained candy and this whole fiasco was overblown. In any case, the streamer’s chat was proud of him for taking possible drugs off the street… literally.