Pokimane shocked as random duo’s girlfriend forces them to stop playing

Connor Bennett

Pokimane had one of her random duo games in Fortnite cut short after the guy that she was playing with seemingly came under attack from his partner.

Getting to play alongside someone you watch on Twitch can be quite a rare occurrence. Of course, there are stream snipers, but the chance for random teams or viewer games – especially with Pokimane – don’t come around all that often. 

Yet, during her January 18 stream, the popular broadcaster had been diving into games of Fortnite after announcing that she now had her own in-game emote. As such, she ran into viewers who were delighted to play with her. But, one guy’s girlfriend took exception and was seemingly furious. 

An image of Pokimane in a grey sweater.
Pokimane is the most popular female streamer on Twitch.

“Is your girlfriend actually mad or joking mad?” Poki asked, before being told that she was actually mad at the guy who she was playing with. Her random duo then seemingly came under attack from his partner as noises could be heard in the background.

“Really love?” he said, leaving Poki to look on wide-eyed and concerned as shouts of “ow” came over the mic. “Physical abuse in the home!” the streamer called out before the random partner had to duck out and leave the game. 

After leaving the game and taking a few minutes to figure out what had just happened, Pokimane claimed that something like that had “never happened” to her before. “Like, a girlfriend actually just getting mad at a guy for playing with me? Like obviously, I was not flirting or anything,” she said.  

“I’m sorry, but that’s not cool. Guys can play with girls and girls can play with guys in relationships or not as long as they’re just being nice. I hope they move past that sort of thing, you know. And when I heard the ouches, that’s not cool – I hope she wasn’t like hitting him or something. That’s not cool.”

Instead of jumping right into another game, though, the streamer shared her experiences of a similar relationship from high school. “The first guy that I really had a thing with, he used to get so mad at me for playing games a lot – but just because I was really into the game,” Poki said. 

“I’ve experienced that and I’ve experienced guys being mad at me for playing with other guys that are just my friends. And then I grew up and I learned that so many people realize that’s not a big deal at all,” the streamer added, noting that relationships are built on trust and its fine to play with others as long as there isn’t any flirting involved.

Despite what had just unfolded, and her brief stint as a relationship counselor, Poki continued on with her random games and ran into even more fans in Fortnite.

What the future holds for the guy who couldn’t play with her, though, remains to be seen. Hopefully, he provides an update later down the line.

About The Author

Based out of Liverpool, Connor is Dexerto's UK News Editor having joined the website in 2018 with a degree in International Journalism. You can find him covering everything from CoD, GTA, FIFA, Apex Legends, and influencer boxing. Need to get in touch? Email Connor at Connor.Bennett@Dexerto.com