Jeffree Star addresses Kanye West affair rumors: “This whole thing is really funny”

Virginia Glaze
Jeffree Star addresses Kanye West affair rumors

Popular YouTuber and makeup mogul Jeffree Star has finally addressed the rumors surrounding an alleged affair between himself and rapper Kanye West, who many internet detectives claim is linked to his purported divorce from Kim Kardashian.

On January 6, TikTok star Ava Louise sparked a rumor that swept across the online world like wildfire, insinuating that beauty guru Jeffree Star was behind the divorce between Kim and Kanye.

The TikToker alleged that Kanye and a certain male influencer had been in a secret love affair, which Star appeared to joke about in a series of snarky tweets referencing Kanye’s musical career.

However, it appears that these claims are nothing but rumors, as told by Star himself in a YouTube video uploaded just a day later.

“I guess some girl made up a whole lie on TikTok, and it went ‘viral,’” Star said of the scandal. “Where she insinuates Kanye and Kim are getting a divorce because a big male beauty influencer is sleeping with him.”

“Let me just say this one time for any news outlet: I like very tall men. Me and Kanye have never hung out, and this whole thing is really funny,” he continued. “I guess if this is a start to my new year, happy new year! …I really can’t, and if Kris Jenner organized this whole thing, happy new year, sweetie girl!”

(Topic begins at 2:42)

Star isn’t the only one involved to refute the claims, either; a source close to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West has stated that “there is absolutely no truth to Jeffree and Kanye rumors,” as reported by E! Online.

Similarly, another source told NBC News that the couple is experiencing “regular relationship issues,” clarifying that “there is no one else involved” in their divorce.

This latest development has caused quite the outrage online, with many calling for Ava Louise to take accountability for spreading story on TikTok. Louise went viral in 2020 after licking a toilet seat amid the global health crisis, sparking mass criticism online against her.

For now, it seems as though the Jeffree/Kanye rumors have been officially put to bed. What a way to kick off 2021!