Brother from Jussie Smollett hoax challenges Jake Paul to “real fight”

Kawter Abed
Bola and Jake Paul

Bola Osundairo, one of the brothers who assisted Jussie Smollett in his hate crime hoax, has challenged Jake Paul to a boxing match.

Paul’s fight with Hasim Rahman Jr. was recently canceled, over apparent concerns that Rahman could not make the agreed upon weight for the bout.

That’s the third fight cancellation the Problem Child has had to face over the past 12 months. The previous two both involved Tommy Fury.

Luckily for Paul, he has already received an offer from a man ready to take Rahman’s place. According to TMZ Sports, Osundairo is ready to fight Paul at Madison Square Garden, as was originally scheduled.

Bola Osundairo’s challenge to Jake Paul

“Do not cancel that fight Jake Paul. Fight me instead. I am ready to fight this Saturday,” Osundairo said on Monday.

He continued: “I’m ready to fight. I’m better than Hasim Rahman Jr., or Tommy Fury. I’m actually ranked higher than Tommy Fury and he has 8 pro fights, and I have 2 pro fights. He’s ranked 340, I’m ranked 193.”

Osundairo is known to many as one of the brothers involved in the controversial Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax, and he believes that his high-profile involvement could help sell the fight.

“People know of me” he said. “I’m one of the Nigerian brothers involved in the Jussie case, the Jussie Smollett case. So it will sell, this fight will sell. People know me more than Hasim Rahman Jr. Nobody knows him outside of boxing.”

He also believes he’s a superior fighter to both Rahman Jr. and Fury.

“I’m actually ranked higher than Tommy Fury and he has 8 pro fights, and I have 2 pro fights. He’s ranked 340, I’m ranked 193” he said.

The 2-0 pro fighter concluded with a shot at Paul: “This will be a real fight. This won’t be like the Jussie Smollett fight. This will be a real actual beatdown, Jake Paul. So after I beat you up, your name’s gonna change to Jackie Paulette.”

Paul has yet to respond to Osundairo’s challenge.