Best Destiny 2 Hunter Build: Meta Solar and Void loadouts for Season 23

Kurt Perry
Void Hunter in Destiny 2 Spectral Blade ability.

If incredible DPS and flashy abilities are what you like most then Hunter is the class for you. Here are the best Destiny 2 Hunter builds for Season of the Wish, featuring both meta Solar and Void loadouts.

Buildcrafting is one of the most important parts of Destiny 2 with players being given all kinds of options to fine tune their loadouts. From top-tier Exotic weapons to unique Exotic armor pieces, there’s plenty to explore.

Hunter is one of the most popular classes in Destiny but the stylish gunslingers aren’t the easiest to play with their lack of sustain and survivability being a huge downside. Even so, with the right setup, it’s possible to dominate on Hunter even in the looter shooter’s hardest content.

With that said, here are our recommendations for the best Destiny 2 Hunter build for both Solar and Void.


Best Destiny 2 Solar Hunter Build: Celestial Nighthawk

With just how much survivability both Titan and Warlock have it can be hard to justify playing Hunter at times. Yet there are still some builds that hold their own even in high-end content, especially those with incredible Super Abilities.

This Solar Build is centered on just that with Celestial Nighthawk greatly enhancing the effects and damage of Golden Gun. This Exotic was previously nothing special but has become a top-tier option following a damage buff at the start of Season 23.

Even so, it’s not quite as easy as equipping this Exotic and shooting things with a big firey gun. To make this build truly effective you’ll need to be using this recommended setup which makes generating Super Energy extremely consistent and fast.

Meta Solar builds in Destiny 2: Season of the Wish.
Solar Hunter builds look especially strong this season thanks to the Solar-focused Artifact.

Destiny 2 Hunter Solar Build: Abilities, Aspects,& Fragments


  • Super: Golden Gun – Marksman
  • Class Ability: Gambler’s Dodge
  • Movement: Triple Jump
  • Melee: Knife Trick
  • Grenade: Healing Grenade


  • On Your Mark: “Precision final blows grant you and nearby allies increased weapon handling and reload speed for a short duration. Stacks 3 Times. Activating your class ability immediately grants maximum stacks of On Your Mark.”
  • Knock ‘Em Down: “Your Solar Supers are enhanced. Marksman Golden Gun has increased duration. While Radiant, final blows with your equipped Throwing Knife fully refund your melee ability.”


  • Ember of Searing: “Defeating Scorched targets grants melee energy and creates a Firesprite (+10 Recovery).”
  • Ember of Tempering: “Solar weapon final blows grant you and your allies increased recovery for a short duration. While active, weapons have increased Airborne Effectiveness, and Solar weapon final blows create a Firesprite (-10 Recovery)
  • Ember of Solace: “Radiant and Restoration effects applied to you have increased duration.”
  • Ember of Torches: “Powered melee attacks against combatants make you and nearby allies radiant.”
  • Ember of Empyrean: “Solar weapon or ability final blows extend the duration of Restoration and Radiant effects applied to you (-10 Resilience).”

Hunter Solar Weapons and Exotic

Kinetic: It may be a surprise inclusion but Bad Juju is the cornerstone of this build. Chaining Final Blows with this Exotic Pulse Rifle not only refills its magazine and increases damage output but most importantly grants additional Super energy giving it fantastic synergy with Celestial Nighthawk.

Energy: Given this season’s focus on Scorch and Ignitions, a Solar weapon with Incandescent is practically essential in the Energy slot. Ideally a Special ammo weapon with some great options including Royal Executioner, Acasia’a Dejection, Greasy Luck, and IKELOS_SG_V1.0.3.

Heavy: A powerful Solar Heavy like Apex Predator or Cataclysmic is nice for armor mod synergy but realistically any meta Heavy weapon that deals good damage to bosses will work fine. Just be sure to use something powerful as between Golden Guns this is where the majority of your DPS will come from.

The Bad Juju Exotic Pulse Rifle in Destiny 2.
Bad Juju excels with any super-focused Exotic and Celestial Nighthawk is no exception.

Hunter Solar Armor Mods


  • +10 Stat Mod of choice (3-4)
  • Dynamo (3)
  • Kinetic Siphon (2)
  • Radiant Light (1)


  • +10 Stat Mod of choice (3-4)
  • Fastball (1)
  • Heavy Handed (3)
  • Impact Induction (2)


  • +10 Stat Mod of choice (3-4)
  • Arc Resistance (2)
  • Solar Resistance (2)
  • Void Resistance (2)


  • +10 Stat Mod of choice (3-4)
  • Innervation (1)
  • Kinetic Weapon Surge (3)
  • Recuperation (1)

Class Item:

  • +10 Stat Mod of choice (3-4)
  • Bomber (1)
  • Powerful Attraction (2)
  • Time Dilation (3)
THe best armor mods to use on Solar Hunter in Destiny 2 Season of the Wish.
Focusing armor mods on survival is highly recommended as Hunters have limited options for sustain.

Hunter Solar Stat Priority

  • Resilience > Recovery > Discipline > Intellect > Mobility = Strength

Resilience is always the number one priority in Destiny 2 as there is quite simply nothing as impactful as taking less damage. Both Recovery and Discipline are equally important as these are directly tied to your survivability via health regen and Healing Grenade.

The remaining stats are useful but not necessary with each either offering limited improvements to cooldowns or being replaced by more impactful alternatives elsewhere on the build, although putting any spare stat points into Intellect doesn’t hurt.

An overview of the best Solar Hunter build in Destiny 2 Season of the Wish
A balance of Resilience, Recovery, and Discipline is key for staying alive, especially in harder content.

Destiny 2 Hunter Solar build: How to use Celestial Nighthawk

At its most basic, the way this build works is that you gain Super Energy via Bad Juju and then fire Celestial Nighthawk-boosted Golden Guns to deal an absurd amount of damage. Assuming you land a precision shot it’s possible to hit the damage cap of 999,999 with Golden Gun.

Some smaller gameplay tips can be woven in to get the absolute most out of this build. Here’s the rotation to play the Celestial Nighthawk Hunter Build as efficiently as possible:

  • Chain kills together with Bad Juju to farm Super Energy via its unique Perk, String of Curses. Collect all Orbs of Power dropped from this via either Powerful Attraction or running over them.
  • Once Golden Gun is ready, throw Knife Trick at a suitable boss or champion and then immediately activate Golden Gun. This will make you Radiant and trigger Revitalizing Blast, an Artifact Perk that weakens bosses.
  • Carefully line up the shot onto the enemy’s critical spot and fire your Golden Gun. Assuming you land a precision shot and are at a suitable Power Level, it should deal upwards of 500,000+ damage.
  • Repeat this cycle from the beginning while using Healing Grenade to stay alive, Knife Trick to become Radiant, and Gambler’s Dodge to recharge Knife Trick at will.

Best Destiny 2 Void Hunter Build: Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk

If you want a Hunter build perfectly suited to high-end content, look no further. This Gyrfalcon’s Gauberk Void loadout is perfect with it offering both incredible survivability and impressive damage capable of decimating just about anything.

This is possible thanks to Invisibility, a powerful buff unique to specific Hunter loadouts and most prevalent with Void builds. Gyrfalcon’s Gauberk is the perfect Exotic to compliment this as it provides various buffs after exiting invisibility, including Volatile Rounds which further extend the duration that you can remain Invisible.

While this Void Hunter is powerful it can be tricky to play and easy to mess up if you don’t build it just right. To avoid this unfortunate fate it’s best to use this build we’ve created which is optimized for high-end content like GM Nightfalls, high-level Lost Sectors, and Raids.

Meta Void build in Destiny 2: Season of the Wish.
Void Hunter remains a top-tier build in high-end content thanks to Invisibility.

Destiny 2 Hunter Void build: Abilities, Aspects, & Fragments


  • Super: Shadowshot: Deadfall
  • Class Ability: Gambler’s Dodge
  • Movement: Triple Jump
  • Melee: Snare Bomb
  • Grenade: Vortex Grenade


  • Stylish Executioner: “Defeating a weakened, suppressed, or volatile target grants Invisibility and Truesight. After performing a Stylish Execution, your next melee attack while invisible weakness targets.”
  • Vanishing Step: “Dodging makes you invisible.”


  • Echo of Obscurity: “Finisher final blows grant Invisibility (+10 Recovery).”
  • Echo of Persistence: “Void buffs applied to you (Invisibility, Overshield, and Devour) have increased duration (-10 Mobility).”
  • Echo of Harvest: “Defeating weakened targets creates an Orb of Power and a Void Breach.”
  • Echo of Starvation: “Picking up a Void Breach or an Orb of Power grants Devour (-10 Recovery).”

Hunter Void Weapons and Exotic

Kinetic: If a Legendary Energy weapon is used, any utility Exotic is great for this slot like Conditional Finality or Witherhoard. Otherwise, a Kinetic special weapon like Heritage or Pardon Our Dust can offer a good DPS option while top-tier utility Legendary weapons like Riptide are never a bad option.

Energy: An effective Void Primary weapon is a must to trigger the effects of Volatile Rounds as frequently as possible. Those willing to sacrifice their Exotic slot should consider using either Collective Obligation or Graviton Lance while any meta Legendary SMG, Auto Rifle, Sidearm, or even Pulse Rifle can also do a fine job.

Heavy: A Void Heavy is extremely useful with LMGs like Commemoration standing out most but truthfully, just about any meta Power weapon can work as Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk’s 35% damage buff to all weapons is not element-specific.

The Funnelweb Void SMG in Destiny 2.
While just about any Void primary weapon can work, a classic meta option like Funnelweb is optimal.

Hunter Void Armor Mods


  • +10 Stat Mod of choice (3-4)
  • Harmonic Siphon (1)
  • Heavy Ammo Finder (3)
  • Heavy Ammo Scout (1)


  • +10 Stat Mod of choice (3-4)
  • Bolstering Detonation (2)
  • Momentum Transfer (2)
  • Impact Induction (2)


  • +10 Stat Mod of choice (3-4)
  • Arc Resistance (2)
  • Solar Resistance (2)
  • Void Resistance (2)


  • +10 Stat Mod of choice (3-4)
  • Innervation (1)
  • Recuperation (1)
  • Void Weapon Surge (3)

Class Item:

  • +10 Stat Mod of choice (3-4)
  • Bomber (1)
  • Powerful Attraction (2)
  • Time Dilation (3)
THe best armor mods to use on Void hunter in Destiny 2 Season of the Wish.
Thanks to Void Hunter’s fantastic sustain it’s viable to focus on cooldown-reducing armor mods.

Hunter Void Stat Priority

  • Resilience > Discipline > Mobility > Recovery > Strength > Intellect

Resilience is the most important stat for Void Hunters as it massively reduces the amount of damage taken from enemies. We also prioritize Discipline as it’s relatively easy to maximize and the rapid recharging of Vortex Grenades is great for both overtime damage and restricting enemy movement.

Recovery and Mobility are useful too with the former improving health regen and the latter shortening the cooldown of Gambler’s Dodge – which in turn is used to get Snare Bomb off cooldown faster. The remaining two stats are a nice bonus but shouldn’t be prioritized.

An overview of the best Void Hunter build in Destiny 2 Season of the Wish
Resilience and Discipline are key to this Void build but it’s important to not neglect Mobility and Recovery.

Destiny 2 Hunter Void build: How to use Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk

The main strength of Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk is that it lets you stay Invisible for prolonged durations. While invisible, enemies can’t target you giving this build the best survivability of any Hunter build. This survivability is made even better by the constant Devour which provides additional sustain and healing.

To make the most of Invisibility, you’ll want to master this gameplay loop:

  • Start out by using Gambler’s Dodge to go Invisible and reposition.
  • Upon exiting Invisibility you will gain Volatile Rounds. Secure final blows with these rounds active to spawn Orbs of Power and Void Breaches. Collecting these buffs grants Devour.
  • Continue this loop of taking out enemies – constantly refreshing Devour and proccing Stylish Executioner in the process.
  • For DPS-heavy segments like bosses and Champions, mix in Finishers while Invisible for a 35% weapon damage buff and Shadowshot: Deadfall to weaken and suppress enemies for your entire team. This is especially important when working in a coordinated Fireteam or Raid group.
  • If you make a mistake mid-loop, Snare Bomb can be used to weaken enemies and spawn more Orbs of Power and Void Breaches. This is preferred to waiting around for cooldowns.

For more on Destiny 2, be sure to check out more of our guide content at Dexerto:

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About The Author

Kurt Perry is a British games writer who started at Dexerto in April 2023. He graduated from Staffordshire University in 2019 with a BA in Games Journalism and PR. Prior to joining Dexerto, Kurt contributed 900 articles for PC Invasion including over 350 guides. He's an all-rounder who is particularly knowledgeable about Call of Duty, Destiny, and Pokemon.