Iconic Happy Deagle ace named best CSGO play of the decade

Andrew Amos

Almost 80,000 members of the CS:GO community had their say, and the decision is final — Vincent ‘Happy’ Cervoni Schopenhauer’s Deagle ace on Inferno has been named the best CS:GO play of the decade.

Valve’s popular first-person shooter franchise Counter-Strike celebrated its 20-year anniversary in 2019, and with a legacy that long comes some iconic plays. From the 1.6 days to Global Offensive, there’s a lot to choose from.

However, over the last 10 years in Source and Global Offensive, there’s been a few plays that have stood out from the rest. To cap off the last decade, Valve put to the community the question — what was the best CS:GO play of the decade — and the answer was resounding.

With choices between Happy’s Desert Eagle ace on Inferno, Jacky ‘Stewie2k’ Yip’s Inferno B-site hold to secure overtime at the Boston Major, Olof ‘olofmeister’ Kajbjer Gustafsson’s game-breaking Overpass boost, and Marcelo ‘coldzera’ David’s jumping AWP on Mirage, it was tough.

Happy ended up taking home the accolades, securing 35.6% of the 79,161 votes to be named the player behind CS:GO’s best play of the decade.

It’s with good reason too. French squad EnVyUs were up against Team SoloMid, the squad to eventually become Astralis, with a lacklustre buy on their side. However, all Happy needed was a Deagle and a dream, taking the heads of all five players with him to secure the round.

Three of the shots were blind peeks through smoke, which made the play even more remarkable. It was so good it was immortalized with a graffiti by the corner he was firing from, and was one of the first plays to be honored in that way.

Olofmeister’s Overpass boost against LDLC in 2014, which allowed Fnatic to stage a 13-round comeback against the French squad, came in second at 26.1%.

Coldzera’s flashy jumping AWP on Mirage was named the favorite by 21.6% of fans, while Stewie’s B-site hold in Boston racked up the final 16.6% of the vote.

Happy is still competing in Counter-Strike with LDLC, most recently playing in the French National Championships and the WESG West Europe qualifiers. 

The French veteran will be hoping for more highlight reel plays in 2020 and beyond, with the 28-year-old still got some fire left in him.