Apex Legends players shine at convention in Seer & Lifeline cosplays

Brianna Reeves
apex legends seer and lifeline cosplay

Someone donning Apex Legends Seer cosplay at a convention met an awesome Lifeline cosplayer, then posed for a photo op.

Counting among the original cast of playable heroes, Lifeline has been a part of the Apex Legends experience since the start.

Seer, on the other hand, joined the fray in Apex Legends Season 10, which developer Respawn Entertainment deployed in August 2021.

A Recon and Support character, respectively, Seer and Lifeline have long proven themselves as fan-favorite characters. No one can understate each Legend’s popularity in the cosplay community, either.

Apex Legends fans in Seer and Lifeline cosplay randomly meet

apex legends seer cosplay
Seer joined Apex Legends in Season 10 Emergency.

Twitter user Wendell Cosplays, who goes by Waynesworld on Reddit, recently attended BlerdCon decked out in Seer cosplay.

On day three of the convention, the Apex Legends devotee unexpectedly ran into another fan, a young lady dressed as Lifeline.

The two Apex cosplayers posed for a photo op that depicts Seer and Lifeline as fast friends.

Better still, both cosplayers were captured performing their respective Legend’s signature pose, making the photo all the more endearing.

Of course, Lifeline-inspired cosplay has inundated the web for the last few years. But Seer’s relative newness to the world of Apex Legends means cosplay for that particular character has not yet hit critical mass.

Several other Legends regularly make the rounds as fans continue to design incredible cosplay costumes. The likes of Valkyrie, Loba, and Mirage have proven especially popular in recent months.

And with more playable heroes like Newcastle entering the mix, it’s only a matter of time before cosplayers up the ante with new designs.