RC-XD glitch allows players to see enemies through walls on Black Ops 4

Matt Porter

A new glitch found on Black Ops 4 allows players to use an enemy’s RC-XD killstreak to locate their position on the map.

In a video uploaded to Reddit by user ‘theforfeef’, it appears that players who aim down the sight of their weapon at an enemies RC-XD won’t see the name of the opposition player appear above the remote-control explosive.

Instead, the gamertag of the enemy will appear at the location of the player’s actual position, indicating where the player is sitting at the moment they called in the killstreak.

In the video, when theforfeef aims at the RC-XD on Firing Range, the gamertag of his opponent appears through a wall on his right, giving away his hiding spot.

Theforfeef has confirmed that they have tested the glitch on different maps, using different rulesets and have also tried using different weapons to aim at the RC-XD to check if any of these things affected the appearance of the glitch. As time of writing, it seems that map and weapon used are irrelevant, and the bug will happen regardless.

An Activision Support Team member commented on the Reddit post thanking the player for bringing this to their attention, but didn’t provide any insight into when the issue might be fixed.

Treyarch released an update for Black Ops 4 on Tuesday, October 16 that addressed an issue where Search and Destroy matches ended four rounds early, and also made adjustments to the player counts in their new battle royale mode, Blackout.