OpTic’s Crimsix suffers bizarre spawn bug during Black Ops 4 scrims

Calum Patterson

CoD pro Ian ‘Crimsix’ Porter suffered the same strange spawn bug which FaZe Clan’s ZooMaa previously experienced, during a scrim match vs Team Envy.

OpTic Gaming’s de facto in game leader was in the thick of the action, as they held a 139-63 lead over Envy, when all of a sudden the game handed him a death he could do nothing about.

The glitch seems to occur randomly, and either spawns the player next to the edge of the map facing outwards, or, in this case, spawns them completely off the map entirely.

While there has been plenty of bugs fixed already, and others which are persistent but Treyarch have acknowledged (such as the infamous teammate/enemy glitch), this one has been a recurring issue.

It was first seen in a pro level match when FaZe Clan’s Tommy ‘ZooMaa’ Paparatto spawned, immediately hit sprint by habit, and found himself sprinting off the side the map Payload, during a scrim vs eUnited.

And now, Crimsix suffered a similar fate, this time on Summit, another map conviently placed in the top of a snowy mountainside.

While so far this glitch has only occurred in completely inconsequential scrims, if it were to happen during a tournament match – or even at a major event – it would cause some serious problems.

Developers Treyarch have already rolled out numerous spawn improvements in updates, although they do not give specifics, so it is unclear if they have made attempts to resolve this problem.

For now, players will have to be more mindful of their spawn locations, and make their best attempt to make sure they are facing inwards on the map, although there wasn’t anything Crimsix could have done on this occasion to save himself.