New Warzone exploit makes players invincible in game’s final circle

Call of Duty players have uncovered a strange issue in Warzone that allows you to become invincible in the final circle so long as you bring a teammate back via a buy station.
Since it’s launch, Call of Duty: Warzone has proven to be an incredibly popular battle royale – but it hasn’t been perfect as there have been plenty of issues, bugs, and exploits.
Players have been left frustrated by hackers being able to not take damage, different weapons appearing in Gulag fights, and even having weapons changed to look like a dog. Now though, players have revealed how one of the newest exploits – invincibility in the final circle – has been pulled off without the use of hacks or cheats.

The issue was showcased by Reddit user Matt5hew, who had managed to bring a teammate back from the dead just before being eliminated themselves – and as soon as the final circle was beginning to close in.
As their teammate was parachuting in, they were stuck outside the gas but didn’t have their health affected one bit. Instead, they were able to just sit in the air as the enemies, most likely, frantically ran around in the hopes of finding the last remaining opposing player.
With the health of Matt5hew’s teammate being unaffected by the gas, they sat in midair until the ‘Warzone Victory’ message popped up on the screen – most likely because the opposition players had succumbed to the gas themselves.
Of course, while invincibility is something you never want to play against in a battle royale, having the ability to not die is pretty situational in this case as you’d need a buy station to pop up in the final circle – as well as having the time to buy someone back.
However, as it is an invincibility exploit, there is no doubt that Infinity Ward will want to address it sooner rather than later so, it should be patched at some point in the near future. We’ll just have to see how fast they get around to sorting it.
Watch: World Record Holders’ Tips for Warzone Wins