Modern Warfare 3 players divided on “boring” new Zombies mode

Rory Teale
MW3 Zombies

Activision released a new Zombies mode alongside Modern Warfare 3, but players haven’t responded well to the changes from previous games.

Modern Warfare 3 released with Operation Deadbolt, the new Zombies mode that makes some significant changes from its predecessors, like a much larger map and objective-based challenges rather than round-based ones.

The developers changed the mode to make it more like Warzone, a mode that was wildly successful for the franchise, similar to how they altered this year’s campaign that had some streamers like MoistCr1tikal fuming.

But, despite Activision’s hopes that players would enjoy the changes, streamers and players are disappointed with Zombies Operation Deadbolt.

Modern Warfare 3 player slam “trash” zombies mode

Popular and long-time Zombies content creator NoahJ456, known for completing insane challenges, posted on social media a clip speaking about how upset he was with the mode, which prompted a community debate.

“Story so far is non-existent, it’s really boring, it’s trash.”

Some people, like a player who retweeted the clip with the caption, disagreed with NoahJ456 and liked the changes: “Zombies players when they can’t run around a small map for hours on end and have a story that requires a PhD to understand.”

“It’s literally the best zombies ever lol,” said one fan. “I do love me a good Easter egg, but many are way too convoluted,” said another.

But, for every comment congratulating the new Zombies mode, there were well over double complaining about it. “Nah they really could’ve done a better job with zombies I feel like them taking this route is honestly lazy,” one wrote. “Bro this zombies mode is straight trash,” another added.

But, even players who don’t like the new Zombies Operation Deadbolt have still found a use for it, utilizing the mode to complete Modern Warfare 3 Armory challenges.