Black Ops 4 glitch makes players unkillable on Hacienda – Treyarch respond

Joe Craven

Treyarch have responded to a bizarre Black Ops 4 glitch that appears to make players completely invulnerable when they occupy a specific spot on Hacienda, a map that is currently being played in the 2019 CWL Championship. 

Black Ops 4 is nearly at the end of its life cycle, with the majority of the CoD community eagerly anticipating Modern Warfare, but that hasn’t stopped players from noticing problems in Treyarch’s FPS.

One particular glitch was brought to the community’s attention via Reddit, when one user asked, “what game am I playing?” Attached was a bizarre clip of the player shooting an enemy for a few seconds, but no hits were registering.

As the clip shows, the enemy appears to be invulnerable while they are crouched behind the counter in Hacienda’s garage. Hits start to register as soon as the player moves, leading to the suggestion that the spot is glitched and makes players invulnerable. 

The clip was picked up on by Josh Torres, Communications Coordinator at Treyarch. “Thank you for sharing this video,” he replied. “I’ve passed it and the thread along to our team.” 

The response from Treyarch suggests that it is an issue, and one they will be trying to patch for the remainder of Black Ops 4’s life cycle. 


The clip was responded to by another user, who stated that they experienced a similar issue a few months ago.

In another video, they encounter an Ajax hiding behind his shield (surprise), in the exact same spot in Hacienda’s garage. However, the player has the angle on the Ajax, and shoots them in the side. Despite this, no hits are registered, even though the player is clearly missing Ajax’s protective shield. 

Both clips combined certainly point to a serious glitch with that particular Hacienda spot. 

What’s more concerning for players is the fact that Hacienda is currently a map being used in the 2019 CWL Championships. It is used for both S&D and Hardpoint, with the garage being the second rotation in Hardpoint.

Unsplash: Sterling Davis/CWLThis year’s CWL Champs are underway in Los Angeles.

The CWL Championships enter their final day on August 18, with only four teams left in the running. 100 Thieves take on Team Reciprocity in the Losers Bracket, while OpTic Gaming face eUnited in the Winners Final. You can stay informed on all CWL Championship results and news at our dedicated hub

While there have been no issues with the glitch spot so far, we hope it stays that way at such a pivotal point in competitive CoD.