Apex Legends Season 14 finally fixes reload problem for controller players

Alan Bernal

Respawn Entertainment gave Apex Legends controllers players a massive quality of life update in the Season 14 patch that should make hectic scenarios a lot more fluid.

There’s a big difference from playing some titles on a controller as opposed to mouse and keyboard. Aim assist and other dead-end conversations aside, the sheer amount of functions and buttons MnK provides can make some operations easier to handle than a controller.

This is something that devs who handle cross-platform titles need to figure out, and are constantly trying to smooth over the experience for their players.

Well in Apex Legends, controller players have been clamoring about the need to use certain functions (like holding a button to revive downed teammates) which accidentally trigger other responses (accidentally reloading).

QoL update for Tap/hold issue in Apex Legends

It seems Respawn have finally found a solution for this snafu in Season 14 that will turn some ‘hold’ prompts into a simple ‘tap’ function, should it conflict with another action.

The Apex Legends: Hunted update included a quick mention of a feature that’s sure to make life easier for players on console.

The quality of life update has now “added [the] ability to use ‘tap’ interact prompts when they conflict with ‘hold.’” Respawn hopes this makes some actions “more reliable” as player frustrations grew since it was an easy mishap to create.

While this is great news for controller players, Respawn are sure to monitor the situation should there be any unintended overlap caused by the new update.

Along with the new feature, the devs also made huge strides in balancing their cast of characters with a bevy of buffs and nerfs for Legends.

The Apex Legends Season 14: Hunted update brought a ton of worthwhile changes to the game that may make the gameplay experience better for a lot of players.