How tall is Yoda?

Jasmine Valentine
Yoda in Star Wars

Size matters not… but does it? Apparently, not in Star Wars. Nonetheless, here’s everything you need to know about how tall Yoda is.

As the legendary Jedi Master who led the Jedi Order through the time of the High Republic, Yoda has been around a fair bit in the Star Wars universe — yet there’s fairly little known about him.

It’s unsurprising that such an intelligent being plays their cards close to their chest with information surrounding his species essentially a complete mystery (ish, but that’s a story for another day).

One thing that Star Wars fans might have found mind-boggling is Yoda’s size, so here’s everything you need to know about how tall Yoda is.

How tall is Yoda?

Yoda is 66cm tall, which is roughly 26 inches.

However, like most Star Wars facts, there’s potential leeway in Yoda’s definite height, with some fans thinking that he could be as tall as three feet.

Others have somewhat more creative ways of measuring how tall Yoda is, claiming he is as tall as four Smurfs, one Yaddle, three Babu Friks, and one Elmo.

In contrast, it’s thought that Baby Yoda is approximately one foot tall, which is around 30cm. Though not much is known about their species, it’s thought that slow growth is a biological factor, despite the literal hundreds of years Yoda has had to catch up to human level.

Once again, there’s some discrepancy on this, with Baby Yoda’s official dimensions allegedly clocking in at 16 inches (40cm).

It only takes a few clicks while online shopping to see that toys of both green sage wisdom keepers can be bought in both their actual sizes and bigger — because who doesn’t want to cuddle up to an unknown species that takes up most of the bed?

Star Wars will only continue expanding, so keep up to date with upcoming projects like The Acolyte, Andor season 2, and The Mandalorian and Grogu movie. Or, you can just explore all the new movies dropping this month.