Fousey pleads with fans to stop calling the cops after being swatted again

Shay Robson
Fousey wearing balaclava next to female police officer

Fousey has pleaded with his fans to stop calling the cops on him after being swatted again inside his hotel.

YouTube star Fousey, who’s best known for his prank videos and social experiments has gradually made a name for himself within the streaming world with his 24/7 subathon.

However, that hasn’t come without a fair share of issues. Being live constantly, viewers always have at least a rough idea of his whereabouts, resulting in him being swatted on numerous occasions. On his August 19 stream, he was kicked out of a restaurant after a bomb threat was called in.

Fousey begs fans to stop swatting him

Posting a video on August 20 to Twitter/X, captioned “STOP CALLING THE COPS ON ME”, Fousey has begged the trolls to stop continuously calling the cops on him.

“To everyone calling the cops to every place I go, I’m good with the cops. Right?” he said, before turning the camera around to reveal three police officers.

To much surprise, the cops answered. “Yeah you’re good,” one said, while another officer nodded their head. “We just didn’t know if you knew who it was or not.”

Turning the camera back around to himself, Fousey demanded that the officers ruin the swatters’ lives if they are caught. “If you find out who it was arrest them, throw them in jail, do not give them a bar of soap, literally ruin their lives. Okay?”

Being on camera for almost every second since starting his subathon on July 1 has gotten the 33-year-old caught up in quite a few controversies, resulting in multiple Twitch bans in the same week.

Notably, he’s come under fire on several occasions for various reasons ranging from the use of racial and homophobic slurs to a controversial interaction with a “sex trafficked” woman in an airport.