WoW Wrath Classic: 5 best classes for new players

Lawrence Scotti
wow classic paladin

WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic is finally here, bringing players old and new to the icy land of Northrend. For players who never battled against the Lich King, here are the five best classes for new WoW Classic players.

Wrath of the Lich King is arguably the most beloved expansion in the history of World of Warcraft. Originally released back in 2008, the expansion has returned with its launch in WoW Classic for players looking to relive the glory days of the MMO.

For those looking to dive into Wrath of the Lich King for the very first time, fear not, as we have you covered with the top five classes which are best for new players.

an image of Lich King in World of Warcraft
The Lich King is back in WoW Classic.

WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic: Best classes for new players

Wrath of the Lich King introduced the new Death Knight class, upgrading the total number of classes in WoW Classic up to nine.

Here are the top five best classes for players who haven’t played WoW Classic to play.


Ask any WoW Classic player and they will tell you just how strong Paladin is. Their tank specialization, Protection, is easily the best tank spec in the entire expansion and has tons of damage and healing which will make the leveling process very easy on new players.

All three of their specs including the aforementioned Protection, along with Retribution and Holy, are great for leveling and post-game content. They are also a dynamic class with access to all three roles of healing, DPS, and tanking.


Shaman is an incredibly easy class to pick up for any player looking to get into WoW Classic.

Both of their DPS specs, Enhancement and Elemental, have very straightforward spell rotations and high damage numbers that will lend their hand well to a noobie. Shaman perform very well in PvE settings making them one of the most new player-friendly classes in the game.

wow classic thrall doomhammer
Thrall is one of the strongest Shaman in all of World of Warcraft.


Rogue may not appear to be one of the easier classes for new players to pick up, but in Wrath of the Lich King, the class has too many strengths to ignore for new players.

More specifically, the Assassination spec should be the one new players focus on. The class has a very simple spell rotation with enormous single-target damage numbers. They are also very versatile with spells like Sprint to increase movement speed, and Cloak of Shadows to avoid incoming damage.


Hunter is another pure DPS class that is both simple to maneuver and able to pump out massive damage. Hunter should be considered by new players who want to play a ranged damage class that can command a pet that they’ve tamed to do a bit of combat on their behalf.

Although all three specs are viable for leveling, Marksmanship will give players the tools they need to pull huge mobs and wipe them with ease.


Versatility is the name of the game for Druid, as the class has access to every archetype in the game with a fairly easy point of entry. The Balance spec is great for those who want to play ranged-DPS, with Starfall as the stand-out spell.

For those who want a melee class, try out Feral Combat to take on the Bear and Cat form as a tank or melee-DPS. And, although we don’t fully recommend leveling as a healer, Restoration Druid is there for those who want to live out their fantasy as a living tree.

Although these classes are surely the easiest to drop in and play, there certainly is nothing holding you back from playing the class you want right off the bat.