WoW Dragonflight Trading Post: How it works, Locations & Monthly Rotation

WoW Dragonflight is introducing a new feature called the Trading Post. Here’s what it is, where they are located, how the monthly rotation will work, and more.
It’s been over two weeks since Dragonflight officially released to live servers, and new content continues to be added to the popular MMORPG over time.
While Season 1 is upon us, developer Blizzard Entertainment has also revealed a brand new feature coming to the game called the Trading Post.
Here is everything we know about the trading post, its locations, and how the monthly rotation will work.

WoW Dragonflight Trading Post: How it works
The Trading Post allows players to complete monthly activities to earn a new currency called Trader’s Tender, which can be used to deck characters out with transmogs, pets, and mounts. Every month new cosmetics, mounts, and pets will be introduced to keep the Trading Post fresh with content.
The Trading Post isn’t on live servers just yet but will be hitting the Public Test Realm soon for player testing before it officially goes live.
Trader’s Tender can be earned in a few different ways, including simply going to the Trading Post each month. This will reward players 500 Trader’s Tender from a Collector’s Cache. Another way to collect the Tender is by completing monthly activities from the Traveler’s Log, where 500 additional Tokens can be obtained.
WoW Dragonflight Trading Post: Locations
The WoW Trading Post has two different locations for each faction: One in Stormwind, and one in Orgrimmar.
In Stormwind, the Trading Post is called T&W (Tawny and Wilder), just outside the Mage district. For Horde players, the Zen’shiri Trading Post can be located right next to the Grommash Hold.
WoW Dragonflight Trading Post: Monthly Rotation
As of now, we do not know what will be in the Trader’s Post once it hits live servers. What we do know is that content will be rotated monthly from the Post.
When the Trader’s Post hits the PTR, we’ll have a better look at the kind of mounts, cosmetics, and pets that will be unlockable with the new feature.