Baby Reindeer fans think it’s time to stop talking about Fiona Harvey

Jasmine Valentine
Fiona Harvey on Piers Morgan Uncensored

The Baby Reindeer debate has ramped up after the Piers Morgan interview, but now fans think it’s time to stop talking about Fiona Harvey.

Harvey’s interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored has now been watched over 11 million times, but it hasn’t come without backlash. Her aim was to “set the record straight” after being targeted as the “real-life Martha” in Baby Reindeer, Richard Gadd’s Netflix show that claims to be based on a true story.

Alongside its shocking moments, fans have made it clear that they think the idea was “inappropriate” — and now think Harvey shouldn’t be mentioned at all.

“In my opinion it’s kinda gross how people keep laying into this woman who desperately needs help. And no, I’m not a Fiona supporter and fully aware of her actions, but it’s not our job to avenge Gadd or whatever,” one fan posted on Reddit.

“I get that it’s a cheap laugh for some, but ‘Sent from my iPhoen’ got old SO fast and the memes are relentless and social media is oversaturated with them. I’ve had to block FB pages and I guess Reddit subs are next.”

“I think it’s time to discuss how society completely failed in protecting and helping everyone involved in this story,” a second added. “This show did prove that the system sucks for stalking victims as well as actually doing something about the perpetrators. Now she’s being invited to nightclubs.”

Earlier this week, Coventry-based nightclub Kasbah announced that Harvey would be making a world-exclusive appearance on 18th May, only to claim the event had to be canceled due to negative publicity a few hours later.

Experts have also called on the Baby Reindeer debate to do more for stalking victims, claiming the conversation is focusing on the wrong areas.

“Talking about Martha and Fiona should be separate. Martha is still a fictional character and should be treated as such,” a third fan weighed in. As per her interview, Harvey claims that Baby Reindeer is “a work of fiction and hyperbole.”

With the original interview still climbing in viewership figures, the conversation isn’t expected to die down any time soon. Harvey confirmed plans on air to sue both Gadd and Netflix for defamation, alongside looking for a $1 million payment after allegedly initially receiving just £250 for the now-viral interview.

The Real Martha Uncensored is available to watch on YouTube now. For more on the Netflix series, here’s the Baby Reindeer ending explained, as well as TV shows and movies to watch next and the best series of 2024 so far.