How to complete the Johto Challenge in Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go is celebrating the Johto region with a new Johto Collection Challenge for players to take part in. Here’s everything you need to know on how to complete it and what kind of rewards are up for grabs.
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Pokemon Go trainers have had a busy start to 2021. They’ve already smashed through a Sinnoh Collection Challenge and Hoenn Collection Challenge. And with a special event locked in to celebrate the franchise’s 25th anniversary in February, it’s only going to get busier.
In the meantime, though, we still have a new Johto Collection Challenge to complete. It celebrates the Johto Region, which was first introduced in Generation II’s Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. It was also re-introduced in Generation IV’s HeartGold and HeartSilver.
Pokemon Go trainers who want to complete the challenge need to find and catch nine specific Pokemon before the event ends. If they’re successful, they’ll be rewarded for their efforts.

How to complete Pokemon Go’s Johto Collection Challenge
You must catch each of the following Pokemon to complete the Johto Collection Challenge:
- Chikorita
- Cyndaquil
- Larvitar
- Miltank
- Murkrow
- Smeargle
- Sudowoodo
- Sunkern
- Totodile
These Pokemon will appear more frequently in the Wild during the event, making them easier to find and catch. However, there are a few other ways to increase your chances of encountering them, too. In fact, some can only be obtained through alternative methods.
For example, Smeargle will only appear when photobombing in the Snapshot feature. Similarly, Larvitar needs to be hatched from 5km Eggs.

Sudowoodo, on the other hand, can only be encountered by completing event-exclusive research tasks. The good news, though, is that they can be used to obtain most of the other pokemon, too. Here’s a list of all the research tasks and which Pokemon encounters they lead to.
- Use two Berries to help catch Pokemon – Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile
- Use seven Berries to help catch Pokemon – Miltank
- Take a Snapshot of your Buddy – Chinchou, Mareep
- Catch five Grass-type Pokemon – Sudowoodo

Pokemon Go Johto Collection Challenge rewards
Pokemon Go trainers who complete the Johto Collection Challenge will receive some decent rewards, including 15 Poké Balls, 10 Ultra Balls, and an Incense.
Trainers will also be able to add to their new Elite Collector medal.
If you want to finish the challenge, you better start soon! The event ends on January 31 at 8 PM local time, which means there isn’t much time to get it done. However, if you follow this guide, it should be a piece of cake.