How to complete the Hoenn Collection Challenge in Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go is traveling down to the Hoenn region for this week’s Collection Challenge, which focuses on Generation 3. Here’s how to catch all the Pokemon you need.
Pokemon fans have got a lot to look forward to in 2021. As well as a 25th anniversary Pokemon Go Tour: Kanto event in February, Niantic’s hit mobile app is taking a trip down memory lane by revisiting several popular regions each week for celebration events.
We’ve already revisited Unova and Sinnoh, and now we’re looking to the region of Hoenn, which first appeared in 2002’s Ruby and Sapphire on the Gameboy Advance. As well as a Shroomish Spotlight Hour, there’s another new Collection Challenge to complete.
Niantic introduced Collection Challenges to Pokemon Go in 2021, and they can be found in the Today View section of the app. In order to complete them, trainers need to catch a specific set of creatures, with plenty of rewards offered for doing so.
How to complete Pokemon Go’s Hoenn Collection Challenge

As players venture to Hoenn, it makes sense that there’s a brand new Collection Challenge to complete. This one focuses on some of the region’s most beloved Pokemon including starters Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip.
In order to complete the Hoenn Collection Challenge, trainers must catch each of the following Pokemon:
- Treecko
- Torchic
- Mudkip
- Nincada
- Nosepass
- Aron
- Plusle
- Minun
- Bagon
Fortunately, all of these will be appearing more frequently in the Wild during the Hoenn celebration event. This means you’ll have a much greater chance of catching them and completing the challenge.
There are several other ways to increase your chance of encountering these Pokemon, too, including one-star raids and Field Research tasks.

One-star raids will include Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Aron, and Bagon. 5km Eggs will have the potential to hatch Aron and Bagon. Finally, completing event-exclusive Field Research tasks will lead to encounters with Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Aron, Plusle, and Minun.
A good tip when completing these collection challenges is to use items such as Incense or a Lure Module, as they will help bring more of the Pokemon you need to your location.
Pokemon Go Hoenn Collection Challenge rewards
Players who complete the Hoenn region’s Collection Challenge will be rewarded with three Silver Pinap Berries, one Incense, and a bunch of XP. They’ll also be able to add to their new Elite Collector medal.
The Hoenn celebration event runs from Tuesday, January 19, 2021, at 10 AM local time to Sunday, January 24, 2021, at 8 PM local time. This means you have six days to finish the Collection Challenge.
Up next is the Johto celebration event, which will launch on Tuesday, January 26, 2021.