How to get the bolt cutters in Amnesia: The Bunker

The bolt cutters in Amnesia: The Bunker is an essential tool for accessing new areas throughout the game. But actually being able to find them is a challenge in and of itself.
There may be a certain point in your playthrough of Amnesia: The Bunker where you are faced with a locked gate, held tightly in place by a strong chain. This kind of lock can’t be broken by a brick or gunshot, you’ll need to actually find a pair of bolt cutters to unlock it.
In case you’re stuck on where to find the bolt cutters, or need to know how to get them, here’s what we know. Make sure to also read our review of Amnesia: The Bunker too.
Amnesia: The Bunker bolt cutters location
To begin with, you’ll need to have access to the Prison area of the bunker, which can be achieved by finding the wheel and lifting lockdown. You’ll also need a wrench, which can be found in a locker in Mission Storage.
Once both of these tasks have been completed, head to the prison and find the cell holding the German prisoner. He can be heard shouting in the main cell block. When you find him, take note of the bolt cutters sitting on a chair next to him.
How to open the cell door
To open the cell block door, you need to go into the Warden’s Office. It’s a big room with glass windows overlooking the prison cells area. To get in there, you’ll need to break the wooden door located to the right of the cell block. Be aware of the monster which will most likely respond to the noise.
Once you’re through this door, immediately turn right and use your wrench on the vent to get access. The Warden’s Office also acts as a safe room, and you can save your progress by interacting with the hanging lamp.
Before you do anything in here, make sure the generator back at the Admin office is running and has enough power to last a few minutes. If it doesn’t, fill it up with more fuel. Once you’re sure that you won’t run out of power, head back to the Warden’s Office in the prison and use the switchboard to open the cell holding the German prisoner. It’s the third door on the right-hand side.
Doing this will cause enough noise for the monster to investigate. You can wait it out inside the Warden’s Office. Once you’re sure the coast is clear, head out of the Warden’s Office, either through the vent or by unlocking the door to the left, and go to the German prisoner’s cell. Be sure you still have enough power left on the generator.
The bolt cutters can be taken now, so be sure to add them to your inventory and leave the cell before the power goes out and the cell doors close again.
And that’s how to find the bolt cutters in Amnesia: The Bunker. Be sure to check out our other Amnesia: The Bunker guides too:
How to get the lockdown wheel | How to get the wrench | How to get the chain cutters | Arsenal door code location | Detonator handle location | Rabbit toy location | Can you kill the monster in Amnesia: The Bunker