Fortnite challenges for Week 7 of Season 7 have been leaked

As has become a weekly tradition in Fortnite, data miners have dug into the game’s files to see what’s in store for the upcoming set of challenges.

Challenges in Fortnite feature a long list of activities for players to do that add a bit of variety to the regular cadence of a match. 

The current set of challenges went live on January 10 and tasked players with doing everything fromsearching for Chilly Gnomes to sliding Ice Pucks across the map.

While some challenges in the last few weeks have been leaked almost immediately after the new set went live, it’s taken the data miners a bit longer this time around.

That didn’t stop popular data miner @lucas7yoshi_ from ultimately discovering what challenges were in store for Week 7 and posting them on Twitter.

Free Challenges
  • Stage 1: Deal (200) Damage to opponents in a single match
  • Destroy (?) flying X-4 Stormwings
  • (3) Pistol elminations

Battle Pass Challenges

  • Search (?) Chests in Leaky Lake or Frosty Flights
  • Stage 1: Land at Salty Springs
  • Use a Rift or Rift-to-Go in (3) different matches
  • Visit all (?) Expedition Outposts

As with any challenge leak, though, it’s possible that Epic Games will change things up at the last minute with new challenges.

If these do end up sticking, though, players will surely be happy to take out their aggression on the controversial X-4 Stormwing.

Once the official challenges go live on January 17, we’ll have a full guide with tips for the best way to complete each challenge.