All Flush Factory Chest Locations for the Week 4, Season 5 Fortnite Challenge

Ross Deason

One of the challenges for Week 4, Season 5, of the Battle Pass for Fortnite Battle Royale requires players to search chests in Flush Factory. This guide will show you all of the known locations.

As Flush Factory is one of the lower traffic areas of the map, trying to find all seven of the required chests could prove to be a difficult task.

Luckily, the Fortnite Chests website is the perfect tool to help you pinpoint every known chest spawn in a specific area. The image below shows all of the Flush Factory chests locations.

While the image shows more than enough chests to complete the challenge in one go, it is worth remembering that they won’t all spawn for every single match.

Luckily, you don’t have to worry about completing the challenge in one game and can land at Flush Factory and look for chests as many times as you need to.

Remember not to return to the lobby after your search without being eliminated or winning the game. If you leave early, the challenge progress might not be saved, meaning you would have to do it all over again.

This challenge is not classed as hard so you’ll only get the standard XP reward. However, it is still much quicker than trying to level up through the various Season 5 tiers with nothing but match XP.